Unknown Hacker Gets Hands on Damning Evidence Against Matt Gaetz
It isn’t looking good for Trump’s attorney general pick.

An anonymous hacker has obtained some very damning documents regarding Trump’s attorney general pick, Matt Gaetz, according to The New York Times.
The documents are from a file shared securely between lawyers whose clients have provided testimony that incriminates Gaetz.
As a representative, Gaetz was being investigated by the House Ethics Committee for allegations that he had trafficked in and had sex with an underage girl in 2017 at a sex party. Gaetz has vehemently denied these allegations, and even tried to nullify the House investigation by resigning from Congress last week. Since then, there has been much congressional debate over whether to release the Ethics report, with most Democrats urging its release and most Republicans preferring it stay under wraps. But now, a hacker has potentially blown past all of that.
The hacked file is said to hold 24 documents containing testimony by multiple people, including the victim, confirming Gaetz’s actions. The Times reports that the file was downloaded by an “Altam Beezley” on Monday at 1:23 p.m. The documents come from a civil suit filed by Gaetz’s friend Christopher Dorworth, who claims he was defamed by the victim after she accused him of hosting the sex party with Gaetz and Joel Greenberg, who is serving 11 years in prison for sex trafficking.
The hacked documents also include sworn testimony by a woman who said that she had sex at a party with Mr. Gaetz in 2017 when she was 17, and there’s testimony from another woman who says she saw it all happen. There is also sworn testimony from Dorworth and his wife, testimony from Matt Gaetz’s former campaign treasurer Michael Fischer, and time stamps of arrival times of all those who visited Dorworth’s home the night of the alleged sex party.
These materials are not yet available to the public. It is unclear who the hacker is and why they might have done this.