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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
October 6, 2018
Emily Atkin
Why Republican Women Defend Brett Kavanaugh
Liberals are baffled about the conservative female support for an alleged sexual assaulter. Social scientists are not.
September 24, 2018
Rebecca Solnit
All the Rage
What a literature that embraces female anger can achieve
September 17, 2018
Sarah Jones
The ‘Me Too’ Movement Hits McDonald’s
On Tuesday, employees of the fast-food chain will strike to demand corporate action on sexual harassment.
September 14, 2018
Sarah Jones
Why the Gubernatorial Glass Ceiling Is So Hard to Shatter
A record number of women are running for governor, but they'll have to overcome more obstacles than their congressional counterparts.
August 29, 2018
Sarah Jones
Betsy DeVos is set to weaken sexual misconduct enforcement on campus.
July 3, 2018
Rachel Syme
Rewrites the History of Art
In her Netflix special, Hannah Gadsby quits the self-deprecating joke.
June 18, 2018
Sarah Jones
Motherhood and the Morality of Trump’s Immigration Policy
Why conservative women are criticizing the breakup of migrant families
June 18, 2018
Rafia Zakaria
On Sending Women Home to Die
What denying asylum to victims of domestic abuse means, in real life
June 15, 2018
Jo Livingstone
The Empty Space of Rachel Cusk
In 'Kudos,' the novelist meditates on justice, the stories people tell themselves, and the difference between the two.
June 14, 2018
Stephanie Russell-Kraft
Why the Equal Rights Amendment Still Matters
The push to enshrine women's rights in the Constitution is about to hit an important milestone. But can it overcome the political and legal obstacles?
June 6, 2018
Jeet Heer
Sam Zell promotes for merit, not because “we gotta get more pussy on the block.”
June 5, 2018
Kaila Philo
Miss America cuts swimsuits, and male conservatives snark.
May 30, 2018
Sarah Jones
The Religious Right’s #MeToo Reckoning Is Coming
The Paige Patterson scandal just scratches the surface of a movement that has created a ripe environment for sexual harassment and abuse.
May 24, 2018
Jeet Heer
A Party for Women. A Party for (White) Men.
The growing gender gap spells trouble for the future of U.S. politics
May 18, 2018
Jeet Heer
On #MeToo and Democrats’ Moral Authority
What National Review's David French gets wrong in arguing that progressives have lost the high ground on sexual harassment and assault.
May 11, 2018
Peter Vanham
Why Do-Gooders Love Development Statistics
Sure: dictators do, too. But development stats, properly weighted, can be a tool for change.
April 24, 2018
Annie Hylton
Macron Turns His Back on Refugee Women
As France's new asylum bill shows, seemingly gender-neutral policies in Europe and the U.S. have dire consequences for women in particular.
April 13, 2018
Sarah Jones
Can White Supremacists Unlearn Hate?
An interview with Michael Kimmel, whose new book, "Healing From Hate," focuses on men who have left their extremist pasts behind
April 10, 2018
Bryce Covert
What the U.S. Can Learn from Britain on Equal Pay
On Equal Pay Day, a look at the UK's giant data collection effort.
March 7, 2018
Rachel Vorona Cote
The Reality of Women’s Pain
For centuries, doctors dismissed the suffering of female patients. After years of illness, author Abby Norman decided to fight back.
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