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The New Republic
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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Climate Denial
June 24, 2024
Genevieve Guenther
The New Climate Denial Is Based on These Six Terms
The new obstructionist approach doesn’t say global warming isn’t happening. Instead, it argues we don’t need to phase out oil and gas.
September 22, 2023
Molly Taft
The Wall Street Journal
, the Climate Call is Coming From Inside the House
When will the Journal’s editorial board wake up to reality?
July 21, 2023
Molly Taft
The GOP Darling Who Claims Fossil Fuels Are Good for Humanity
The time is ripe for Alex Epstein’s particular brand of fossil fuel boosterism to become the GOP’s mainstream climate talking point.
June 8, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Smoke Is Fine, Longtime Tobacco and Coal Shill Assures Fox News Viewers
For reasons passing understanding, Steve Milloy has been invited to share his opinion on the East Coast's air quality crisis.
June 15, 2022
Liza Featherstone
How to Fight Climate “Delay”—Denial’s Hipper, More Dangerous Cousin
We need to ground climate discourse in the present, not the future.
July 7, 2021
Alex Shephard
Fox News Adds Climate Coverage to Its Portfolio of Destruction
Cable news’s traditional home for climate denialism and political radicalism is going to make a right-wing run at the Weather Channel.
October 28, 2020
Kate Aronoff
Car Companies Have Been Knowingly Screwing the Planet for Half a Century
Ford and GM knew about climate change 50 years ago—and have spent decades since then funding denial and inaction.
August 6, 2020
Stella Levantesi
Giulio Corsi
Climate “Realism” Is the New Climate Denial
Climate change deniers like Naomi Seibt claim to be fighting Greta Thunberg’s “alarmism,” but their real target is climate action itself.
April 27, 2020
Kate Aronoff
“Believe Science” Is a Bad Response to Denialism
Liberals’ glorification of expertise amid the coronavirus and climate crises reveals their own distrust of democracy.
August 23, 2019
Emily Atkin
How David Koch Changed the World
Few humans hold more responsibility for the unfolding climate crisis than David Koch, the 79-year-old oil magnate who died this week.
August 8, 2019
Dave Levitan
Reformed Climate Deniers Don’t Deserve Redemption
Democrats are seeking advice from people who once opposed action on global warming. They should be seeking accountability.
April 9, 2019
Meehan Crist
Down to Earth
Why is the story of climate catastrophe so hard to tell?
November 9, 2017
Emily Atkin
Trump to World: Fossil Fuels Are Good for You
No longer content to just deny climate change, the administration is now making the moral case for burning oil and coal.
October 5, 2017
Matthew Shaer
States of Denial
From crop failures to killer storms, Trump's Southern supporters are paying the price.
June 20, 2017
Emily Atkin
Cable TV’s Safest Space for Trump’s Climate Deniers
CNBC's "Squawk Box" has become the go-to show for officials like Rick Perry and Scott Pruitt to spout falsehoods about global warming.
December 28, 2015
James West
This Cheat Sheet Will Make You Win Every Climate Argument
September 2, 2015
Rebecca Leber
Conservatives Think “Ice Melts in Summer!” Is a Convincing Argument Against Climate Change
Obama is right: Our glaciers are vanishing. The evidence is overwhelming.
June 11, 2015
Rebecca Leber
Senator James Inhofe on Climate Change: "God Is Still Up There"
March 12, 2015
Erik C. Nisbet
R. Kelly Garrett
Conservatives Are No More Biased About Science Than Liberals Are
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