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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
June 15, 2017
Jeet Heer
America Has Always Been Angry and Violent
Wednesday's shooting has prompted much handwringing about the state of the nation. But political violence and anger are embedded in America's DNA.
June 14, 2017
Jeet Heer
How Congress Can Fight Political Violence
Partisan polarization is getting worse, and gun control has stalled. But Democrats and Republicans can unite over treatment for troubled people.
February 7, 2017
Erica Chenoweth
Violence Will Only Hurt the Trump Resistance
History shows that civil disobedience and mass protests are more effective in the long run than black-bloc tactics.
October 28, 2016
Graham Vyse
Trump Supporters Say They Want a Revolution. They Don’t.
Threats of a post-election uprising is a bunch of Trumpian bluster.
October 17, 2016
Graham Vyse
The Violence May Yet Come
Donald Trump's claims of a "rigged" election have renewed fears of unrest on Election Day. It's time for Republicans to stand up for our democracy.
June 21, 2016
Alice Robb
Britain’s Worry: Becoming America
Jo Cox's murder and the pro-Brexit campaign's Trumpian politics have some fearing for the country's future.
June 15, 2016
Joshua D. Freilich
Jeff Gruenewald
Steven Chermak
William Parkin
Was the Orlando Shooting a Hate Crime or Terrorist Act? The Answer Matters.
June 14, 2016
Lisa Wade
The Hypermasculine Violence of Omar Mateen and Brock Turner
Two violent men, two symptoms of the same sickness.
May 9, 2016
Stephanie Heimann
And There They Died
A photographer catalogs the makeshift memorials for the victims of New York City's gun violence.
February 29, 2016
Elizabeth Bruenig
Did a Secret Service agent just rough up a reporter at a Trump rally?
December 3, 2015
Elizabeth Bruenig
The Real Problem With Politicians’ Post-Massacre Prayers
Republican candidates responded to the San Bernardino mass shooting with "thoughts and prayers," but not for those who need it most: themselves
September 2, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Kermit Has a New Girlfriend? Good. His Last One Was a Domestic Abuser.
Miss Piggy regularly beat him up, and everyone thought it was funny. Not anymore.
August 26, 2015
Jeet Heer
Don’t Circulate Videos of the TV News Killing in Virginia
August 26, 2015
Naomi Shavin
How Common Are Workplace Murders in America?
August 3, 2015
William Wheeler
The Jihadist of Copenhagen
Why a young man in one of the happiest countries on earth committed a brutal act of terrorism
July 24, 2015
Gwyneth Kelly
Right-Wingers' Solution to Movie Theater Shootings: More Guns
July 7, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Rihanna Is No Pam Grier
"BBHMM" puts a materialistic spin on a social-justice blaxploitation classic
June 21, 2015
Jeet Heer
Mental Illness Doesn't Negate Political Motive
Dylann Roof and the intersection of psychology and extremist ideology
October 4, 2014
John Gray
Should Religion Be Blamed for the World's Bloodiest Wars?
August 6, 2014
Alice Robb
Tipper Gore Was Right, Violent Video Games Are Bad For You
Especially those ones that play with your sense of self ...
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