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Noah Berlatsky
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April 4, 2017
Noah Berlatsky
Bernie Sanders’s Misguided Attacks on the “Liberal Elite”
Rather than highlighting class differences, the phrase beclouds them.
July 11, 2016
Noah Berlatsky
We Need a “Blue Lives Matter” Movement—for Gun Control
Loose gun laws put police officers at risk. So where's the outrage?
January 20, 2016
Noah Berlatsky
Child Sex Workers’ Biggest Threat: The Police
October 30, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
"Human Trafficking" Has Become a Meaningless Term
Politicians and activists often abuse it to push for punitive laws or to incite moral panic
October 2, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Why Are Liberals Obsessed With Using Contraception to Fight Poverty?
September 25, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Just What America Needs: A Movie That Celebrates Unpaid Work
"The Intern" isn't funny. It's an insult to every unemployed American.
September 2, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Kermit Has a New Girlfriend? Good. His Last One Was a Domestic Abuser.
Miss Piggy regularly beat him up, and everyone thought it was funny. Not anymore.
August 13, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
The Most Common Childbirth Practice in America Is Unnecessary and Dangerous
Why do doctors and patients insist on using electronic fetal monitoring?
July 28, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
This Teenage Duo Could Be the Future of Music—for Better and Worse
July 9, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Can a Rich White Guy Be an Everyman?
The insidious class politics of “Self/Less”
July 7, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Rihanna Is No Pam Grier
"BBHMM" puts a materialistic spin on a social-justice blaxploitation classic
July 6, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
The Wrong Way to Stop Prostitution
Visa and MasterCard won’t work with anymore. That won't help sex workers.
June 15, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Goodfellas' Narrow, Simplistic View of Masculinity
June 11, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Professors Do Live in Fear—But Not of Liberal Students
June 2, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
The Marginalization of Women in Mainstream Country Music
May 21, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Critics Shouldn't Have to Cover ‘Game of Thrones’ If They Don’t Want To
April 21, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Why Do We Love Batman But Hate Superman?
"Sure let's cheer on the billionaire as he beats down the poor farm guy who grew up feeling othered."
April 2, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Why "Indie" Music Is So Unbearably White
March 17, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Wonder Woman Used to Be Radically Kinky. Now She's Just Another Generic Superhero. What Happened?
February 26, 2015
Noah Berlatsky
Hollywood Needs a Black Superhero Fit for the Ferguson Era
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