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House Republicans Launch Idiotic Hail Mary to Stop Kamala

House Republicans, grasping for straws, have filed articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris speaks at a podium. Others stand behind her.
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Republicans are so desperate to attack Vice President Kamala Harris following Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race that they’ve come up with a new flimsy plan: impeach her.

On Tuesday, Representative Andy Ogles formally introduced articles of impeachment for “high crimes and misdemeanors” over Harris allegedly mishandling the southern U.S. border.

Twitter screenshot Olivia Beavers @Olivia_Beavers
GOP Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) just introduced articles of impeachment against VP Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors

(with screenshot of two pages of the bill text)

In general, at least six bills were submitted in the House of Representatives Tuesday, either calling to “impeach” or “condemn” Harris or calling on Harris to invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution and remove Biden from office with a Cabinet vote.

Twitter screenshot Scott MacFarlane @MacFarlaneNews:
There are now a half dozen House Republican bills calling for "impeachment" of VP Harris or "condemning" VP Harris or "calling on" VP Harris to convene Cabinet to invoke 25th amendment

None of them is going anywhere.. but they're growing in number
4:09 PM · Jul 23, 2024


As Scott MacFarlane pointed out, none of these bills stand a chance of going anywhere, so their main purpose appears to be performative efforts to stir up the Republican base and make Harris look weaker. Harris’s popularity has skyrocketed in the last two days, netting a record fundraising haul for Democrats and causing Republicans to panic. Republicans have come up with weak talking points, as Trump is trying to weasel out of debating her and argue that Harris was part of a conspiracy to kill him.

In other words, Republicans are making wild attempts to find an attack that sticks to Harris and shifts the momentum back to Trump. The latest attempt (aside from unserious impeachment bills) appears to be an old GOP standby: an appeal to racism by attacking Harris’s record on crime as a prosecutor. Will it work?

As the legendary Walter Shapiro wrote for The New Republic in 2022, “It has become a Republican cliché: When the polls look ominous, the party often conjures the image of a menacing Black man.” But the 2024 electorate has lived through President Barack Obama, Black Lives Matter, and the protests of 2020. It remains to be seen if the racist attacks on Harris can top the groundswell of enthusiasm from young Americans

Two Worst People You Know Plan Private Meeting at Mar-a-Lago

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making a quick stop to meet Donald Trump during his U.S. visit.

Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be meeting later this week at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump announced on Truth Social Tuesday that the two would be meeting on Friday, moved from Thursday at Netanyahu’s request. In his post, Trump spoke about “Peace and Stability in the Region” during his first term, claiming that “millions are dying, and Kamala Harris is in no way capable of stopping it.”

Presumably, the two will talk about Israel’s brutal war in Gaza and Trump will make grandiose promises to Netanyahu on providing weapons and whatever else the Israeli prime minister wants. Trump might also seek advice about dodging corruption charges, as Netanyahu has been keeping them at bay for years. Netanyahu might ask Trump about how to take over the courts, as the former president and convicted felon has appointed a Supreme Court that has basically given him immunity.

In his visit to the U.S., Netanyahu is receiving a warm welcome from Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans Wednesday, but that’s about it. A scheduled meeting between President Joe Biden and Netanyahu was initially up in the air before being moved to Thursday, and Vice President Kamala Harris will be meeting with the Israeli prime minister privately instead of presiding over his congressional address.

It’s no secret that Netanyahu prefers Trump and would like to see him return to the White House in November. It’s also no secret that Israel’s brutal war has killed more than 39,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including over 15,000 children. Netanyahu has ignored calls for a cease-fire, helping contribute to Biden’s drop in popularity among young people and communities of color. U.S. support for the war has even caused a backlash among labor unions, who on Tuesday joined forces to demand an end to weapons aid to Israel.

The Israeli prime minister is probably hoping for his U.S. visit to shore up support for the war and make sure November’s election doesn’t change the blank check Israel is receiving. What should happen is that American politicians find some courage, listen to unions, and end weapons shipments to Israel.

More on Republicans prepping for Netanyahu’s visit:

Watch: Tom Cotton Flails When Asked About Kamala Harris “Coup”

The Arkansas senator struggled to explain MAGA’s new “coup” conspiracy after being reminded of his own party’s actions on January 6.

Tom Cotton speaks and purses his lips. Reporters (off camera) likely surround him.
Nathan Howard/Getty Images

Tom Cotton says Republicans didn’t do a coup, the other guys did!

On Sunday, Cotton tweeted that “Joe Biden succumbed to a coup by Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Hollywood donors, ignoring millions of Democratic primary votes.” In an interview Tuesday, the GOP senator from Arkansas was called out by CNN’s John Berman over his hypocritical language.

“You used the language ‘coup,’” Berman told Cotton. “You’ve never said that for January 6. And as far as I know, no cops were beaten up, no one defecated in the Capitol, there was no criminal trespass in terms of changing the Democratic candidates, were there?”

Cotton answered with a blank stare and dodged the question. “No, but what you get with Kamala Harris is a failed prosecutor who wouldn’t seek the death penalty for cop killers.”

For the record, Cotton is right that San Francisco police hated Harris for years, but he’s wrong on everything else. And the CNN interview made it clear he has no good explanation on how exactly Biden dropping out is a coup.

The Republican senator is one of many right-wingers using the coup line without any hint of irony, including J.D. Vance, Trump, Trump’s campaign adviser, House Speaker Mike Johnson (who tried to avoid using that exact word), Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Representative Paul Gosar.

Republicans claim that the Democratic Party has been “lying to us” about Biden. “[Harris] was not just part of the conspiracy of silence about Joe Biden’s decline, she was the leader of it,” said Cotton. “The American people deserve to know: What did Kamala Harris know, and when did she know it?”

Major Labor Unions Make Shocking Show of Force Toward Biden on Israel

Seven major labor unions urged an end to weapons shipments to Israel.

Joe Biden speaking
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Seven major labor unions sent a letter to Joe Biden Tuesday calling on the president to “immediately halt all military aid to Israel.” This comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address a joint session of Congress and speak privately with Biden, Kamala Harris, and other politicians.

The unions that signed on to the letter, which represent six million people, include the Association of Flight Attendants, or AFA, American Postal Workers Union, or APWU, International Union of Painters, National Education Association, or NEA, Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, United Auto Workers, or UAW, and United Electrical Workers.

The labor movement is concerned that a cease-fire plan is not being put into action as Palestine faces one of the bloodiest weeks since October 7.

“The time to act decisively to end this war is now. Stopping US military aid to Israel is the quickest and most sure way to do so, it is what U.S. law demands, and it will show your commitment to securing a lasting peace in the region,” wrote the signatories.

“Recent reports only underscore the urgency of our demands. Large numbers of Palestinian civilians, many of them children, continue to be killed, reportedly often with US-manufactured bombs,” reads the letter. “We have spoken directly to leaders of Palestinian trade unions who told us heart-wrenching stories of the conditions faced by working people in Gaza.”

The unions and allied groups plan to protest Netantyahu’s visit to Washington, D.C., and have a plan to symbolically issue a warrant of arrest for the prime minister.

“Our unions are hearing the cries of humanity as this vicious war continues,” said Mark Dimondstein of the APWU in a statement released alongside the letter. “Working people and our unions are horrified that our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy. We need a cease-fire now, and the best way to secure that is to shut off U.S. military aid to Israel.”

The letter comes as many other unions, including the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the SEIU, and more quickly endorsed Kamala Harris for president this week, who plans to meet privately with Netanyahu during his visit.

Some labor unions have held off, however, perhaps looking to leverage their endorsements. Those include the NEA, UAW, and AFA, who are part of the coalition, as well as the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, led by Sean O’Brien.

Labor unions have been calling for a cease-fire for months. Earlier this year, U.S. labor unions launched the National Labor Network for Ceasefire, which included several of the signatories of Tuesday’s letter, as well as National Nurses United and smaller local unions. The new organization demanded an immediate and permanent cease-fire, release of the hostages, and unimpeded full access for humanitarian aid.

UAW President Shawn Fain appeared on MSNBC Monday night to say his union was “not going to rush” their Harris endorsement without the approval of the union members. In December, the UAW was one of the first major unions to call for a cease-fire after the APWU.

Racist Trump Unleashes Horrifying Plan to Attack Kamala Harris

After days of struggling to land his attacks, Donald Trump seems to have a new strategy.

Donald Trump pumps his fist during a campaign rally
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s team is mounting a new angle of attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, and while their plan is very much connected to the campaign’s already racist rhetoric, its bigoted legacy goes back even further to the presidential election of 1988.

In the days since President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris, Trump’s team has scrambled to adapt their attacks to the new presumptive nominee. Even before Biden’s decision was officially announced, Trump had started to try out a couple lame nicknames, such as “Laughing Kamala,” and most recently “‘Dumb as a Rock’ Kamala.” But, not surprisingly, none of these have really stuck.

It’s time to get serious with their mode of attack, and so Republicans are planning to take aim at Harris’s record as a district attorney in San Francisco, which she has already started to weaponize against convicted felon Trump.

One Trump adviser said the Harris cases included “several Willie Hortons,” The Bulwark reported Tuesday, referring to the racist attack ad launched against Senator Michael Dukakis during the 1988 election. The ad featured a Massachusetts inmate named Willie Horton who had stabbed a man and raped a woman while on a weekend furlough—a policy and crime for which then–Republican candidate George H.W. Bush inexplicably blamed Dukakis.

As the late, great Walter Shapiro wrote for The New Republic in 2022, “It has become a Republican cliché: When the polls look ominous, the party often conjures the image of a menacing Black man.”

The infamous Horton ads encouraged race-based politics by playing into racial stereotypes linking Black men with crime to fearmonger about a lawless Democratic presidency. Trump has been able to exploit and exacerbate this trend within the Republican Party with his own lies about immigrant crime rates. Now it seems the Republicans are plotting to launch a similar attack against Harris.

For some Republicans, it seems the racist Willie Hortonesque smack talk has already begun. During an interview on CNN Tuesday, Senator Tom Cotton called Harris a “failed San Francisco liberal that’s wrong for America,” and said there were many cases in which she had been “weak on crime” and let “thousands” of criminals walk free.

Cotton also referred to one specific Harris case, which is likely to start appearing in Republican talking points. In 2004, Harris declined to seek the death penalty for the killer of police officer Isaac Espinoza, despite a pressure campaign from several California Democrats.

Renata Espinoza, the police officer’s widow, said Harris hadn’t called her before announcing the decision. Harris had “just taken justice from us. From Isaac,” Espinoza told CNN in 2019. “She was only thinking of herself.”

The prosecution worked to paint David Hill, who was convicted of fatally shooting Espinoza and sentenced to life without parole, as a hardened gangster and even cited his own rap lyrics in their case against him.

CNN’s John Berman had reminded Cotton that when Trump ran for president in 2020, his team had attacked Harris for just the opposite: being too tough on criminals.

In August 2020, former Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson claimed Harris “fought to keep inmates locked up in overcrowded prisons so they could be used for cheap labor, she championed laws that put parents in jail for truancy and prosecuted the mentally ill.”

Now Trump’s team has decided Harris’s record is part of their “bucket of paint to define her at a time of our choosing,” Trump’s campaign co-manager Chris LaCivita told The Bulwark.

Trump Pushes Dangerous MAGA Conspiracy Targeting Kamala Harris

Donald Trump is now telling his MAGA followers that Kamala Harris was involved in the assassination attempt against him.

Donald Trump speaks yells into a mic
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

In a wild attempt to discredit Vice President Kamala Harris, Donald Trump is alleging that Harris and Biden didn’t adequately protect him, causing him to be “forced to take a bullet for Democracy.”

Trump made the claim in a Truth Social post Tuesday morning, saying, “IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR TO DO SO!”

Truth Social screenshot Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy. IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR TO DO SO!

Since a gunman attempted to kill Trump at a Pennsylvania rally 10 days ago, Republicans and Democrats alike have criticized the Secret Service for failing to thwart a rooftop shooter only 400 feet away from the former president. Politicians on both sides were further critical of U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle for saying it would take 60 days to compile a report on the incident.

In the end, Cheatle resigned on Tuesday, but that won’t stop Trump. Once the former president and convicted felon pushes a conspiracy theory, his followers tend to pile on and give the idea life in the right-wing media ecosystem. There will likely be continued attempts by the right to pin the shooting on the Biden administration, and Harris by extension. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has already joined in by claiming something suspicious in Biden stepping down to endorse Harris.

The right has blamed diversity, equity, and inclusion principles for the Secret Service failing to stop the shooter, and Fox News attempted to use the same right-wing dog whistle against Harris even before Biden withdrew from the race. It’s only a matter of time before Trump and right-wing media attempt to tie Harris, DEI, and the failures of the Secret Service together in one big conspiracy to attack the popular new presidential campaign.

Republicans don’t have much else to try except some exceptionally weak talking points, and Harris is already getting some shots in against Trump. But just like the QAnon and election-rigging conspiracies the right wing pushed in the last few years, this one probably won’t win over the average American either.

Potential Kamala Harris V.P. Wipes Floor With Trump, Pissing Him Off

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz mocked Republicans for being “stuck” with Donald Trump as their candidate.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz speaks at the podium during an event on Project 2025
Jim Vondruska/Getty Images

Donald Trump is fuming after Minnesota Governor Tim Walz slammed Republicans for being “stuck” with the former president as their presidential candidate, while the Democrats have begun mounting a new campaign around Vice President Kamala Harris.

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday morning, Walz couldn’t wipe a smile off his face as he combated Bill Hemmer’s wild suggestion that the Democrats had “leapfrogged the entire democratic system” by moving to get behind Harris in the days since Joe Biden dropped out of the race.

“Look, the process has always been there, I welcome—if … anybody wants to become a DNC delegate, you’re welcome to. But what I know is, Democrats are ready to move when the situation warrants it,” Walz said.

“Look, it doesn’t matter convictions, it doesn’t matter failed policies. Republican Party is stuck with Donald Trump. He’s yours, you got him. Welcome to it,” said Walz. “Democratic Party can make our decisions, we pick our nominee. Look, if you don’t like it, don’t vote for her in November!”

The Minnesota governor said that he knew voters would appreciate the Biden administration’s strong economic policies and its disinterest in courting foreign dictators such as Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán or Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“So, J.D. Vance, ‘Mind your own business,’ is what I would tell them,” Walz said. “We can manage it.”

Apparently, Trump didn’t appreciate Walz’s booking on the conservative news network.

“Why did Fox News put up Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, where I am leading?” the Republican nominee wrote on Truth Social shortly after Walz’s appearance. “They make me fight battles that I shouldn’t have to fight!”

Walz was among those reported as having received vetting materials to join Harris on the Democratic ticket in November.

While Walz wouldn’t confirm he was in contention on Fox News, he did say that he’d spoken to Harris. “We have the same values, we believe we can win in the Midwest,” he said, pledging to do “whatever’s necessary” to keep “personal freedoms” front and center in Harris’s campaign.

Read more about Harris’s potential running mates:

Kamala Harris “Brat” Memes Spark Confusion Among Democrats

What does “kamala IS brat” even mean?

Kamala Harris holds an umbrella and waves as she boards the Air Force Two plane
Photoillustration by The New Republic/Photograph by Erin Schaff/Pool/Getty

When pop star Charli XCX tweeted out “kamala IS brat,” she might not have imagined CNN correspondents and Democratic politicians weighing in.

“So is the idea that we are all kind of brat and that Kamala Harris is brat?” asked a confused Jake Tapper Monday evening.

While Harris’s K-Hive may have adopted their moniker from Beyoncé back in 2019, this year, it’s brat summer, named for Charli XCX’s viral new album. When BidenHQ rebranded to “KamalaHQ” following the vice president’s announcement she was taking over the Democratic ticket, a very smart member of her campaign staff added the recognizable brat-style logo to their social media.

As Grace Segers writes for The New Republic, Harris’s team seems to be embracing the memes as an attempt to appeal to younger voters.

But not all Democrats are hip to the trend: California Representative Mark Takano said he initially thought people were being negative about Kamala Harris by “calling her a brat.”

“I just saw it on Instagram.… I said, ‘What is this?’” Takano told CNN. “But it’s not that Kamala Harris is a brat, it’s she is brat, and then I started listening to music, and I said, ‘Oh wow.’”

After being informed by his team that it was a term of endearment, Takano joined in on the fun.

Screenshot of a tweet

As did Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii.

Screenshot of a tweet

Still confused? In a TikTok interview, Charli XCX defined “brat” as: “You are just that girl who is a little messy and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown but parties through it. It is honest, blunt, and a little bit volatile. That’s Brat.”

Perhaps brat can be a way for Harris to punch back at Republican lawmakers who want to attack her over her laugh or just for being plain “weird.”

“I will aspire to be brat,” said Tapper on Monday. Us too, Jake.

Mike Johnson Doubles Down on Wild Threat Ahead of Netanyahu Speech

The House speaker has issued a menacing threat against Democratic lawmakers ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

Mike Johnson speaking
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Speaker Mike Johnson is doubling down on threats to arrest anyone who interrupts or protests Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress Wednesday, including members of Congress themselves.

He told fellow Republicans Tuesday that protests would not be tolerated, and he plans to send a “Dear Colleague” letter warning other members of Congress about protesting.

Twitter screenshot Jake Sherman @JakeSherman 🚨IN HOUSE REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE — @SpeakerJohnson said he will not tolerate protests in the House chamber tomorrow for @netanyahu ’s speech. He said people will be arrested. Johnson is expected to send a “Dear Colleague” out today on this topic. W @MZanona Last edited 9:42 AM · Jul 23, 2024 294.6K Views

Tuesday’s message reiterates Johnson’s warning last week to arrest any Democratic lawmakers who seek to interrupt or disrupt the speech. He called for “extra sergeants at arms on the floor” to deal with and arrest any dissenters, whether from the House floor or the gallery. Several Democrats have said they plan to boycott the speech or protest.

Congress’s invitation to Netanyahu comes at a time when the Israeli prime minister is facing arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court along with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and top Hamas leaders over accusations of war crimes in Gaza. A meeting with President Joe Biden was pushed to Thursday after briefly being up in the air. Vice President Kamala Harris won’t be presiding over Netanyahu’s address to Congress, and will instead be campaigning in Indianapolis while planning to meet privately with the Israeli prime minister later.

Netanyahu isn’t getting the red-carpet treatment that he has gotten in years past in Washington, D.C., because of the brutality of his war in Gaza. His willingness to drag out the war for more than nine months with a staggering civilian death toll has contributed to Biden’s drop in popularity among young people and communities of color. It seems that Johnson’s invitation to speak and the loads of laundry washed on his behalf may be the only major benefits Netanyahu gets from his U.S. visit.

J.D. Vance’s Harsh Criticism of Trump Revealed in Damning Report

A stunning report reveals what Donald Trump’s running mate really thinks about him.

J.D. Vance embraces Donald Trump, with a hand on his shoulder, at the RNC
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

A new report from CNN reveals more evidence that Trump vice presidential pick J.D. Vance once believed accusations of sexual assault against his running mate.

Earlier this month, Mediaite reported that, in a 2016 MSNBC appearance, Vance said he believed Jessica Leeds’s accusation that Trump groped her. Sarcastically noting Trump’s tendency to lie, he said, “This is sort of he said/she said, right? And at the end of the day, do you believe Donald Trump who always tells the truth? Just kidding, or do you believe that woman on the tape?”

On Tuesday, CNN reported that Vance repeatedly expressed similar sentiments online.

In October 2016, after the Access Hollywood tapes were released, Vance tweeted a since-deleted post asking, “What percentage of the American population has @realDonaldTrump sexually assaulted?”

Vance also reportedly liked tweets that read, “Maybe the Central Park 5 could take out a full-page ad to condemn the coddling of thug real estate barons who commit serial sexual assault,” and, “I wish there was a 2nd Vice Presidential debate just to see [Mike Pence] deny that Trump said he grabbed p*ssy.”

On Facebook, he shared a Washington Post op-ed by a Southern Baptist Convention leader who condemned conservative religious leaders’ support of then-presidential candidate Trump “following the disclosure of his sexually predatory recorded comments.” Vance posted an excerpt of the article that read, in part, “[Trump] has reaffirmed who he is over and over again, even during this campaign—from misogynistic statements to racist invective to crazed conspiracy theorizing.”

Vance’s team told CNN that the posts in question “from nearly a decade ago are old news that have been addressed numerous times since he entered the political world. They don’t reflect his views on President Trump today and haven’t for many years.” Indeed, after Trump was found liable for sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll, Vance quickly said he believed his “friend” Trump.

The unearthed social media activity—piling atop a mountain of examples of Vance once railing against his current running mate—has fueled ongoing conversations questioning his convictions and speculating that Trump may be regretting his vice presidential pick.