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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Freddie Gray
October 7, 2016
Nicole Narea
Protecting the Right to Record Police Brutality
Those who have filmed such incidents say they are facing retribution from the cops. Activists say it's time for lawmakers to step in.
July 27, 2016
Clio Chang
All the officers in the Freddie Gray case will get off scot-free.
July 18, 2016
Steven Cohen
Freddie Gray broke his own neck.
May 23, 2016
Steven Cohen
Baltimore offers another reminder of how slanted the scales of justice are in cases of police killings.
December 10, 2015
Caren Morrison
How the Justice System Fails Us After Police Shootings
"... 1,058 people have been killed by police this year to date alone, and most of the time, no legal charges follow."
September 3, 2015
Stacia L. Brown
How Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Became My Hero
The Baltimore State’s Attorney makes me optimistic about criminal justice reform
June 10, 2015
Rebecca Leber
Rand Paul to Baltimore: Racism Isn't the Problem. Taxes Are.
May 7, 2015
Brian Beutler
Police Unions Aren't the Problem
Dismantling them would do little to end brutality and impunity
May 5, 2015
Stacia L. Brown
The Luxury of Hope
What the Baltimore prosecutor's charges in the Freddie Gray case mean to native residents
May 3, 2015
Suzy Khimm
"We're Going to Protect Our Community Ourselves"
Baltimore's gangs came together to protect their community. But is that all they want?
May 1, 2015
Danny Vinik
An 18-Year-Old Baltimore Rioter Faces a Higher Bail Than the Cop Accused of Murdering Freddie Gray
May 1, 2015
Jamil Smith
Baltimore's Prosecutor Gets It
The charges in the Freddie Gray case show that scaring cops is the best way to fight police abuse
May 1, 2015
Rebecca Leber
Liberal Policies Didn’t Fail Baltimore. Here’s What Did.
April 30, 2015
Stacia L. Brown
Looking While Black
When eye contact with police is considered a crime
April 28, 2015
Danny Vinik
Baltimore Leads Comparable Cities in Black-Owned Businesses
April 28, 2015
Brian Beutler
There Are Victims of the Baltimore Riots
There's no contradiction between believing Freddie Gray was murdered by police and believing that assaulting innocent bystanders is wrong
April 28, 2015
Suzy Khimm
"It Took This to Bring the Light To Everything"
Baltimoreans say calls for peace are futile without an agenda for change
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