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Deranged Ten Commandments Law Is Already Spawning Copycats

Another Christian nationalist mandate has hit public schools, this time in Oklahoma.

The cover of a Bible
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket/Getty Images

Oklahoma’s superintendent of public instruction is going to try to push Christian nationalism into the state’s schools by requiring every teacher to have a Bible in their classroom and use it for lessons.

“The Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of western civilization, to have an understanding of the basis of our legal system,” Ryan Walters said Thursday during a state school board meeting. “It is one of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution.

“Every teacher, every classroom in the state, will have a Bible in the classroom and will be teaching from the Bible in the classroom,” Walters added.

This rule blatantly violates the Constitution, but in Walters’s defense, he’s not great at citing historical precedent. He has previously denied that the infamous Tulsa race massacre had anything to do with race.

The move comes two days after the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that a religious charter school couldn’t receive public funds, otherwise it would violate the establishment clause, which prohibits the government from establishing or favoring a particular religion over others. Walters tried to intervene in the case but was denied three times.

It seems that the ruling, as well as a new Louisiana law requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public school classrooms, has inspired Walters to make a move of his own. He even cited the state Supreme Court case in Thursday’s meeting, promising to take his new rule to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Louisiana has already been sued over its law, with the case likely headed to the nation’s highest court. The law’s backers have tried to defend the measure, only to fail miserably. In Walters’s case, he might defend his rule by enlisting the woman behind the anti-LGBTQ+ social media account Libs of TikTok, Chaya Raichik, who already supervises Oklahoma’s school libraries. However, one wonders how Raichik, an Orthodox Jew, feels about teaching the New Testament in schools.

Walters likely won’t have the support of Oklahoma’s Republican attorney general, who led the charter school lawsuit and called the state Supreme Court decision “a tremendous victory for religious liberty.” But Walters may have the backing of Oklahoma’s Governor Kevin Stitt, who said the ruling sent a “troubling message.” In the end, the support that matters will likely have to come from the U.S. Supreme Court, whose rulings on religion in public schools have tilted toward the Christian right.

Read more about Christian nationalism in schools:

Trump Reveals His Idiotic Debate Talking Points for Some Reason

He just … tweeted it out.

A sign for the CNN-hosted presidential debate
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Only hours before the first debate in the 2024 presidential race, Donald Trump posted some of his talking points on social media. Why he did that is as yet unclear.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump tweeted a screenshot of a document containing bullet points on climate and energy policy that appear to have been written for the presumptive Republican nominee by his former Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler.

“Mr. President, I am sure that a climate question will come up during your debate this week and I suggest the following talking points,” the document reads, signed by Wheeler.

Wheeler then listed multiple bullet points: “Under my Administration CO2 emissions went down, and at the same time we became more American energy dominate which helps Americans at the gas pump and with their electricity bills,” he wrote. “We can do both. Biden just increased the energy costs for everyone.”

While carbon emissions did drop under Trump’s administration, pollution levels decreased at a slower rate than they did under Barack Obama. Trump’s low carbon levels were likely helped by lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic that brought travel and industry to a screeching halt.

Wheeler wrote a point attacking President Joe Biden’s decision to rejoin the Paris climate accord, which Trump had exited during his term, claiming the move sent money overseas to “benefit other countries like China.” Wheeler also suggested criticizing Biden’s climate and tariff policies, claiming that they are causing people to buy “Chinese solar panels instead of American energy.”

“Under my Administration we will continue to reduce CO2 and focus on American made energy,” Wheeler wrote.

The notes from Wheeler also advise the former president to bring up Biden “canceling pipelines,” in the case that “you get push back during rebuttal and you need another point.”

Screenshot of a Truth Social post
Screenshot of a Truth Social post

Note that Trump’s comments on the environment don’t make a single reference to climate change, as during his presidency he marked himself as one of the many Republicans who is staunchly in denial about the existential threat of global warming.

Biden’s campaign hit back, noting that Wheeler is a former coal lobbyist.

Wheeler took over the EPA from Scott Pruitt in 2019 and immediately set about deregulating the agency, repealing Obama’s Clean Power Plan, and removing restrictions on U.S. fossil fuel power plants put in place to lower their carbon dioxide emissions. In general, Trump’s approach to climate legislation seemed to be to just undo everything from the previous administration—and that appears to be his plan again if he’s elected in November.

Trump won’t be able to actually use any pre-written talking points during the 90-minute debate. Each candidate will only be given a bottle of water, a blank pad of paper, and a pen while onstage. According to CNN’s terms, their campaign staff will be unable to communicate with them during the breaks.

It’s really not clear why Trump would bother to share his talking points. Maybe he doesn’t think he’ll get the chance to say them; maybe he doesn’t think he can actually remember them.

Hypocrite James Comer’s Unbelievable Number of Email Aliases Exposed

Representative James Comer has long accused Biden of using fake email addresses. Turns out the accusation was to cover his own guilt.

Representative James Comer speaking
Tierney L. Cross/Bloomberg/Getty Images

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer may have attacked President Joe Biden for utilizing email aliases, but he’s no stranger to the practice himself.

Earlier this month, it was reported that Comer had used two pseudonymous email addresses instead of his government one while serving as Kentucky agriculture commissioner, both of which were uncovered during a records request into Comer’s 2014 marijuana mishap. But a new FOIL request filed by The Daily Beast’s Roger Sollenberger has uncovered an eyebrow-raising trove of other aliases used by the Kentucky representative—approximately 1,600 to 2,700 more.

“In a previous communication, you were advised that more than 1591 parent emails containing 199 attachments had been identified as possibly related to your request,” the FOI officer email to Sollenberger read in part. “During a subsequent search, we found an additional 2,716 emails and attachments possibly related to your request.”

One finding in the document load suggested that Comer had used one such alias to handle classified information.

Twitter screenshot Roger Sollenberger @SollenbergerRC: Oh was James Comer using an alias email address to handle confidential govt documents With an email screenshot From: Kentucky Department of Agriculture Subject: Urgent from Kentucky Department of Agriculture Date: Monday, December 29, 2014 7:56:53 AM Hello Today we receive some documents at Kentucky Department of Agriculture payments department, Please view some confidential documents sent to me from your email address today and I've upload the documents for you on dropbox, just CLICK HERE to be able to view the documents just login with your email you don't need to be registered . Kind Regards ? Kentucky Department of Agriculture Phone: (502) 573-0282 Fax: (502) 564-2133

Some parts of the request were denied, including one exemption that was particularly notable.

“One email from a loan officer to former Commissioner Comer discussing a personal financial matter that was unrelated to government business was redacted,” the letter read.

Judge Cannon Schedules New “Mini-Trial” in Quest to Delay Trump Case

In a new ruling, Judge Aileen Cannon details exactly how she’ll waste more time in Trump’s classified documents case.

Judge Aileen Cannon headshot (looks like a yearbook photo, blue background)
United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida

Judge Aileen Cannon denied a motion by Donald Trump’s legal team on Thursday, but she isn’t ready to stop what legal experts have decried as inessential hearings intended to indefinitely delay the actual trial.

The denied motion pertained to Trump’s effort to suppress 32 classified documents seized by the FBI during its raid on Mar-a-Lago. But in the same order, she granted Trump’s team an evidentiary hearing that could suppress key obstruction evidence, including former Trump attorney Evan Corcoran’s notes that describe a client who not only knew he had committed a crime but was also knowingly attempting to obstruct the federal effort to retrieve the documents.

The decision to hold what special counsel Jack Smith’s office has described as a “mini-trial” over the notes would effectively overrule a D.C. District Court’s decision that ruled that Corcoran’s notes fell under a crime fraud exception of attorney-client privilege. It would also further postpone the classified documents trial, likely until after the November election, after which Trump could theoretically pardon himself from the federal charges.

In a written order clearly conscientious of the time-wasting criticisms being levied against her, Cannon claimed that there “is a difference between a resource-wasting and delay-producing ‘mini-trial,’ on the one hand, and an evidentiary hearing geared to adjudicating the contested factual and legal issues on a given pre-trial motion to suppress, on the other.”

Trump faces 42 felony charges in the case related to willful retention of national security information, corruptly concealing documents, and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Meanwhile, the Trump-appointed judge overseeing the case has slow-walked the trial so aggressively that she has been accused by legal experts of attempting to postpone it indefinitely. Last week, Cannon began hearing arguments not related to Trump’s actions—but instead on whether Smith’s appointment to the case, and its subsequent prosecution, was constitutional.

MAGA Fumes Over Microphone Rule at Biden-Trump Debate

MAGA is melting down over what they claim is proof of CNN bias.

Trump and Biden splitscreen
Getty x2

It’s exceptionally cool and normal that the network hosting the Biden-Trump debate has been forced to roll out stopgaps to prevent a descent into chaos. CNN on Wednesday explained in child’s terms how they’ll be muting mics at Thursday night’s presidential debate to avoid interruptions, sending MAGA viewers into a frenzy.

CNN’s Victor Blackwell and Phil Mattingly demonstrated how it will sound when a candidate attempts to interrupt the other, showing a green light appearing on their podium when their mic is on and—get this—turning off when their mic is off. According to Mattingly, the same explainer was provided to both the Trump and Biden campaigns and by appearing at the debate, both are agreeing to abide by the muted mic rules. Notably, the muting appears intended to protect against cross talk, a disruption where no one can make head or tail of what anyone is saying—not to preemptively silence the content of a candidate’s response.

The very simple rule was enough to set off Trump’s base.

Twitter Screenshot MissBeck71 🍊🇺🇸✝️ Trump2024 @MissBeck12: CNN is showing everyone how their censorship works. I’m old enough to remember when debates included candidates having to interact with each other speaking freely. Welcome to dystopian “political debates.” We’ve arrived.
Twitter Screenshot Chuck Pfauth @InsiderChuck: This is absolutely kindergarten bullshit @CNN Could you look more foolish?! I don’t think so!
Twitter Screenshot Dan Klabunde @daniel_klabunde: This is what it looks like to rig an election.
Twitter screenshot Henry Benedict @henrywbenedict: Why did Trump agree to do the CNN debate at all? This seems like such a staged event.

While MAGAs fume, many view CNN’s decision to mute mics as a grim indictment on the state of debate that requires technological intervention to ensure the basic rules are followed—and the unwillingness to let the debate get derailed by a certain Republican presidential candidate prone to ranting incoherently.

Twitter Screenshot Shark3ozero (Sigma Male) @Shark3ozero: after 64 years of televised presidential debates the media has finally discovered the mute button and conservatives are seething

Desperate Trump V.P. Hopeful Tim Scott Says Racism Is Over

The South Carolina Republican seems to think racism has been solved.

Tim Scott looks to his side
Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images

Senator Tim Scott made a wild comment suggesting that his being in contention for Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick demonstrates that we’re living in a post-racism utopia.

During an interview with Ainsley Earhardt on Fox & Friends that aired Thursday, the South Carolina Republican was asked how being on the short list for Trump’s running mate made him feel.

“I think it’s exciting, no matter the outcome,” Scott gushed. “It’s the evolution of the Southern heart that we see on display, and we Southerners get so little credit for the progress we’ve made.

“The whole notion of judging a person on the content of their character, not the color of their skin has happened,” Scott continued. “It’s not going to happen. It’s not around the corner. It’s in the rearview mirror. We are living Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream.”

Since dropping out of the race, Scott has been desperately shilling to join Trump’s ticket as his vice president, and he has repeatedly contradicted his own policy positions so he can breathlessly repeat the former president’s campaign talking points. 

Unfortunately for Scott, Trump is exactly the kind of racist he imagines American society has moved past. 

Trump uses his Black friends to claim he isn’t racist, and while his campaign bragged about receiving endorsements from dozens in a group called Black Americans for Trump, the team  failed to mention that a few of them were on the Trump family’s payroll. Recently, Trump has railed against so-called “anti-white racism” and claimed that Black voters will like him more because of his indictments and his mug shot, comparing his legal battles to the systemic discrimination experienced by Black people in the U.S. As recently as Wednesday, Trump literally phoned it in on a roundtable event with Black business leaders in Atlanta. 

Meanwhile, recent polling found that Black voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania feel Trump should receive jail time at his sentencing in July. A study conducted in April by the Pew Research Center found that a vast majority of Black voters still identify as or lean Democratic, and 77 percent said they’d back President Joe Biden, despite Trump’s claims that Black voters are abandoning the incumbent. 

During the interview, Scott also revealed that the former president had come to him in 2017 after his infamous remark on the deadly “Unite the Right” white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trump angered many by claiming that there were “very fine people on both sides,” despite the fact that one side was entirely neo-Nazis, including one man who drove a car into a crowd.

At the time, Scott had criticized Trump, saying his moral authority had been “compromised.”

“He wanted me to share with him my perspective,” Scott told Earhardt. “He listened, and after we finished talking, he said, ‘Help me help those I have offended.’”

Looks like that’s going really well.

House Republicans Pass Draconian Measure Censoring Public Data

The amendment bans giving the State Department funds to cite the Gaza Health Ministry’s data.

People stand around a crater made by Israeli bombardment in Gaza City
Omar Al-Qattaa/AFP/Getty Images

The House of Representatives voted Thursday to bar the State Department from using funds from the international affairs budget to cite any number of Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza.

The House voted 269–144 to add an amendment mandating the change to an appropriations bill for the State Department. The amendment was co-sponsored by representatives across party lines, although the votes in favor were overwhelmingly Republican. The appropriations bill still needs to pass the Senate, and it is unclear how it will fare in the second chamber. But if it passes, then the Orwellian move will effectively make the denial of Palestinian deaths U.S. policy.

Representative Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress, tore into her colleagues for putting forward the measure.

“Since 1948, Mr. Speaker, there has been a coordinated effort, especially in this chamber, to dehumanize Palestinians and erase Palestinians from existence,” Tlaib told the chamber prior to the vote. “My colleagues want to prohibit our own U.S. officials from even citing the Palestinian death toll.”

Tlaib went on to read the latest casualty figures of Palestinian deaths from Israel’s brutal war in Gaza into the congressional record: 37,718 killed, including more than 15,000 children, with more than 86,377 injured.

“Six children, Mr. Speaker, six are killed in Gaza every single hour. But Palestinians are not just numbers. Behind these numbers are real people—mothers, fathers, sons, daughters who have had their lives stolen from them and their families torn apart, and we should not be trying to hide it,” Tlaib said.

“There is so much anti-Palestinian racism in this chamber that my colleagues don’t even want to acknowledge that Palestinians exist at all. Not when they’re alive, and now, not even when they’re dead. It’s absolutely disgusting. This is genocide denial.”

It appears that many in Congress, their financial backers, and maybe even President Joe Biden want to hide what’s going on in Gaza. Some lawmakers have said that they supported a ban on TikTok because it was a major source of advocacy for Palestine, while others want to ship college students protesting for Gazans to Gaza itself. The House voted to censure Tlaib in November, even though many in Congress have used inflammatory, violent, and racist rhetoric in supporting Israel’s attacks on Palestinians.

Their goal seems to be for Israel to continue the war indefinitely with U.S. support, which only perpetuates the human rights crisis in Gaza. Perhaps these politicians don’t want a peaceful end to the conflict. After all, they refuse to say no to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, even though he is accused of war crimes, and they refuse to end weapons shipments to Israel to force an immediate cease-fire.

Election Denier MTG Snaps Under Pressure During Live Interview

Marjorie Taylor Greene threw a serious temper tantrum when asked about the election results.

Marjorie Taylor Greene yells and holds up a hand as if to say Stop. Reporters surround her.

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene will do practically anything to avoid saying she’d accept the 2024 election results no matter the outcome—even going so far as to throw a temper tantrum live on air.

During an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday, Greene refused to answer whether she would support the outcome of the presidential election if it swung in favor of Joe Biden, and then proceeded to get testy with the interviewer, accusing the Australian host of being a sellout to the U.S. Democratic Party when she attempted to switch the topic.

“If it doesn’t go your way, if Biden wins, will you accept the results?” asked 7.30 host Sarah Ferguson.

“Again, what does this have to do with Julian Assange?” Greene asked. “Seriously, really?”

But Greene wouldn’t let her answer, instead chattering as Ferguson attempted to explain it’s the “next natural question about truth.”

“What network is this? What is this, ABC Australia? Is she getting her marching orders from the Democrat Party? Is this what she decided to come up with today?” Greene said, looking off-camera.

“You’re a prominent figure in U.S. politics. The first debate is tomorrow. The result of the election is on the minds of not just Americans but the whole world, so it’s a natural point of curiosity,” Ferguson continued. “But I understand we’ve reached the end of the questions that you want to answer, thank you for talking to us about Julian Assange and for joining the program.”

In April, Greene lamented that the Capitol rioters were unsuccessful in stopping the certification of the presidential election results on January 6, and claimed that if she “had it [her] way,” Biden “wouldn’t even be president.”

Amy Coney Barrett Breaks Ranks on Supreme Court’s Dangerous EPA Ruling

Even Amy Coney Barrett thought the conservative justices’ ruling on the agency’s “good neighbor” rule was out of bounds.

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett looks grim
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The Supreme Court on Thursday halted the Environmental Protection Agency’s “good neighbor” rule intended to combat air pollution. In a 5–4 decision, the conservative majority of the court upheld a stay against an EPA regulation that requires states limit their emissions to offset the effects in states downwind of their pollution, claiming the rule would cause “irreparable harm.” In a stunner, conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett broke from the conservative bloc and wrote the dissenting opinion, joined by liberal justices.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh led in the court’s decision against the EPA, arguing that the good neighbor policy was too difficult to reasonably implement because who would be included is dependent on the winds. Barrett ripped that finding to shreds, writing that the court’s decision “enjoins the enforcement of a major Environmental Protection Agency rule based on an underdeveloped theory that is unlikely to succeed on the merits” and that the Supreme Court’s decision “downplays EPA’s statutory role in ensuring that States meet air-quality standards.”

The EPA issued its good neighbor rule in response to several states failing to create their own plans for implementing federal ozone pollution reduction rules issued in 2015 under the Clean Air Act. As Barrett notes, the 23 states that either didn’t submit any plans or submitted ones that didn’t meet EPA standards have been found by the agency to have “significantly contributed to ozone pollution in downwind states.” Twenty-one states “proposed to do nothing to reduce their ozone emissions,” the dissent adds. The EPA is statutorily required to ensure states comply with federal air quality standards, and to create a federal implementation plan if they don’t: In this case, it created the good neighbor plan. Upwind states promptly sued to prevent the EPA from rejecting their plans and to keep the good neighbor plan from going into effect, joined by regulated industries.

The Supreme Court’s decision to stay the good neighbor rule follows lower court rulings that deterred its implementation in 12 of the 23 states included in the ruling. Lawyers for the EPA noted during oral arguments that which states are included in the rule isn’t fixed, since wind patterns change.

The concept behind the policy takes into consideration states that are downwind of other states emitting pollutants. If, for example, states are buckets on a slope, and they’re all limited to filling a gallon bucket with water, the buckets further down the slope will inherently end up overflowing with the water poured into buckets further up slope from them. The good neighbor rule intends to reduce the amount of water poured into buckets further up the slope so those further downstream aren’t overloaded. Except in this case, the water is toxic pollutants and the buckets are giant industrial manufacturers toxifying our air and soil, with downwind states getting choked by pollutants emitted by their upwind neighbors.

The Supreme Court’s decision halting the implementation of the good neighbor rule is another step by the court’s conservative majority to curtail the EPA’s regulatory power, and, according to Barrett, it’s a step that’s not going to hold up on its merits if the case comes back to the Supreme Court.

Georgia’s Republican Governor Reveals He Didn’t Vote for Trump—Yet

Brian Kemp says he didn’t vote for Donald Trump during the Georgia primary, but things will be different come November.

Brian Kemp speaks
Stefan Wermuth/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp admitted that he didn’t vote for Donald Trump in the state’s primary elections last week, only one day before the presumptive Republican nominee takes the stage in a presidential debate in Atlanta.

While Kemp had previously condemned Trump’s claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election, and even supported his subsequent indictment, the spineless conservative governor said he will still vote for Trump in November.

Now it seems his voting record is equally contradictory: Kemp couldn’t be bothered to back Trump in June. But he didn’t exactly take a stand, either.

“I didn’t vote for anybody. I voted, but I didn’t vote for anybody,” Kemp told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on The Source Wednesday, noting that the race “was already over when the primary got here,” as Trump is already the party’s presumptive nominee.

It seems that Kemp has been suffering from the same lack of enthusiasm many voters are experiencing in the lead-up to November. Backing a convicted felon who you believe attempted to overthrow the results of your state’s democratic election will do that.

“I always try to go vote and, you know, play a part in it, but look, at that point, it didn’t really matter,” Kemp said.

The governor maintained, though, that he would “support the ticket” come November. To Kemp, it seems the only thing that matters is turning Georgia red again.