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Trump’s Answer on Whether He’ll Accept Election Results Is a Warning

Donald Trump is clearly promising mayhem if he loses the 2024 election.

Donald Trump speaks and points
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Donald Trump, asked for the millionth time, still won’t commit to accepting election results as legitimate if he loses.

Speaking to CBS News Monday, Trump said, “If I see that we had a fair and free election, which I hope to be able to say, but if I see that, I will be.… You will never see anybody more honorable than me. I am an honorable person.”

The CBS reporter pressed Trump, telling him, “But you didn’t accept the results of the last election.”

“Well, that’s right, because there were many problems with the last election. You know it, so do they, and so does everybody,” Trump replied. The reporter noted that all of the legal cases to challenge the 2020 results were dropped, to which Trump replied that the judges wouldn’t take them.

“I think things have been done over the last four-year period that will make this a free and fair election, and certainly if for some reason I lose, and I think if I lose, this country will go into a tailspin, the likes of which it’s never seen before, the likes of 1929,” Trump added.

Trump’s comments were quickly picked up and posted by Kamala Harris’s campaign to show that the man who famously instigated the “Stop the Steal” movement and the January 6 Capitol riots hasn’t changed much at all. Trump has repeatedly dodged the question of accepting the 2024 election results, even after being asked three times during his debate with President Biden.

The former president and convicted felon’s cronies are making moves to undermine and even sabotage November’s election in Republicans’ favor. Several of them are working as election officials in key states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and they’re looking to Trump and his campaign for direction. Supporters of democracy will have to be vigilant to ensure that the results are free and fair in less than three months.

Jamie Raskin Issues Dire Warning to Trump Running Mate J.D. Vance

Representative Jamie Raskin used his speech at the Democratic National Convention to warn J.D. Vance about what happened to his predecessor.

Jamie Raskin speaks at the Democratic National Convention
David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images

In a speech at the Democratic National Convention Monday night, Jamie Raskin addressed not only his fellow party members but also Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance.

Raskin, who led Donald Trump’s impeachment over the January 6 insurrection, gave Vance a warning about the former president’s violent supporters. “Remember what the mob chanted as they stormed the Capitol?” Raskin asked. “Hang Mike Pence.”

“J.D. Vance, do you understand why there was a sudden job opening for running mate on the GOP ticket? They tried to kill your predecessor!” Raskin continued. “They tried to kill him because he would not follow Trump’s plan to destroy and nullify the votes of millions of Americans.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence has announced he cannot support Donald Trump after he was threatened by Trump’s fans for refusing to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“I believe anyone that puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States, and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again,” Pence said in March.

In a statement to The Hill, Trump fired back at Raskin over his comments.

“Jamie Raskin is a disgusting piece of trash who has such a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, he is willing to politicize talking about assassinations just one month after an attempt was made of President Trump’s life. These are the people Democrats are highlighting at their convention,” a Trump spokesperson said.

Trump Melts Down After Harris’s Debate Decision Leaves Him Rattled

Donald Trump is scrambling to seem tougher than Kamala Harris on presidential debates.

Donald Trump gestures while speaking during a press conference
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

While the Democratic National Convention was kicking off in Chicago, Donald Trump was posting to Truth Social, claiming that Vice President Kamala Harris had rejected a debate against him on Fox News on September 4.

“Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th,” Trump wrote. “I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in, including her statements that THERE WILL BE NO FRACKING IN PENNSYLVANIA and her HORRIBLE Performance on the Border, our ‘Border Czar,’ where millions of criminals and people from mental institutions and terrorists, have been allowed to pour into our Country, totally unchecked and unvetted. It’s called, and she LOVES IT, an OPEN BORDER!!!”

But, according to Trump, the show would go on—with or without his Democratic opponent.

“Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox,” Trump continued. “It will take place in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—Details to follow!”

The September 4 debate was not originally in the cards. Traditionally, a presidential cycle has two debates between the presidential candidates, as well as one debate between the potential vice presidents. But during a short-notice press conference at Mar-a-Lago earlier this month, Trump spontaneously announced that he was willing to face off against Harris three times before November: September 4 on Fox News, September 10 on NBC News, and another September 25 debate on ABC News. (Trump mixed up the stations of the last two debates, but got the dates correct.)

Harris’s camp had not initially signed on to the Fox debate, and it’s currently unclear whether she’s actually rejected the date outright, as Trump suggested. The first official debate is scheduled for September 10.

The drama of it all may be an aggressive strategy for Trump to reframe himself as unafraid to show down against the famed prosecutor after he stunningly disappointed some of his fans by backing out of one of the debates earlier this month. (He has since flip-flopped.) Fans were so upset by the supposed strongman’s decision that they got the hashtag “#TrumpIsACoward” trending on Truth Social after the news broke.

Nancy Pelosi Defends Pushing Out Biden in Hilarious Statement

The former House speaker is owning what she did—and she’s not sorry about it.

Nancy Pelosi smiles, dressed in formal evening wear. Others are in the background.
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Representative Nancy Pelosi isn’t worried about what people are saying regarding her role in President Biden withdrawing from the 2024 presidential election.

The former speaker of the House told CNN Monday morning that “I have my relationship with the president, and I just wanted to win this election. So if they’re upset, I’m sorry for them. But the country is very happy … I don’t know who they are, but, you know, that’s their problem, not mine.”

Pelosi’s public comments were a major factor in Biden’s decision to step away. After Biden had a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump on June 27, calls for him to drop out of the race began, and Pelosi refused to reject those calls, cryptically saying that the decision was up to the president.

Pelosi and Biden have reportedly not spoken since the president made the decision to step down, with Biden upset with the former speaker. Other Democratic leaders, including Senator Chuck Schumer, Representative Hakeem Jeffries, and former president Barack Obama were also in favor of Biden stepping down.

The move was attacked by Republicans as a “coup,” and Harris’s entry into the presidential race has led to them spiraling further and further into conspiracy theories as the new Democratic ticket continues to rise in the polls. Pelosi, meanwhile, has recently published a memoir about her time in politics, called The Art of Power.

Pelosi may have even played a role in selecting Harris’s running mate, reportedly speaking favorably about “her former House colleagues” whenever she was asked about V.P. prospects before the Harris campaign’s announcement, a nod to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s time in the House. Based on the results of her actions, her comments on Monday seem like she has no regrets.

Trump’s Rare Attempt to Stay on Message Ends in Disaster

Donald Trump gave a low-energy speech that elicited few cheers from the audience.

Donald Trump purses his lips during a press conference
Adam Gray/Getty Images

Donald Trump delivered a strangely low-energy speech on Monday at a factory in York, Pennsylvania.

While the crowd at Precision Custom Components started off cheering at the former president’s compliments about Pennsylvania and promises to bolster American manufacturing, any initial enthusiasm appeared to wane as Trump proceeded through his remarks in a monotone reading voice.

“Kamala puts America last, I put America first,” Trump said, sounding completely dejected. He frowned as the crowd cheered.

For once, the former president was actually able to stay more or less on topic (although his talking points were still devoid of facts or actual policy ideas). He just seemed to hate every second of it, and the crowd responded in kind.

Trump’s claim that “caravans” of immigrants coming to the U.S. for free healthcare was met only by the echoes of his own remarks. Laments over “reckless spending” on healthcare, complaints that the supposed electric vehicle mandate is “absolutely so crazy,” and promises to clean up a supposedly graffiti-covered Washington, D.C., were met with total silence. Even promises to “liberate our workers with the largest regulatory cuts” did not evoke a single clap.

While his dulled speaking style didn’t prevent him from flying through topics, it did prevent him from getting any responses from the crowd for several minutes at a time. His awkward delivery made it unclear when the audience, or the people standing behind him, should clap, and pauses didn’t come easily or often in the Republican nominee’s speech.

In one particularly outrageous moment, Trump said, “The union—the United Auto Workers, I think the people in that union are going to vote for me overwhelmingly because I’m going to bring car industry back.”

Just last week Trump said he would fire striking workers during a conversation with billionaire technocrat Elon Musk. The next day, the United Auto Workers filed federal labor charges against Trump and Musk, accusing them of “illegal attempts to threaten and intimidate workers who stand up for themselves by engaging in protected concerted activity, such as strikes.”

Shawn Fain, the president of the UAW, is scheduled to speak Monday night at the Democratic National Convention. “He doesn’t have a clue, it’s sad,” Trump said about Fain, blaming him for a decline in U.S. car manufacturing. As he started to compliment military industrial manufacturers, such as the factory where he stood, he took off on another tangent.

“What would happen if we had a war? We won’t, with me. But you will have World War III, I believe, without me. But we won’t have—but what would happen if we did? And let’s say it was with China, but they give us all of our steel. So we’ll have to call China for steel so we can fight a war with them. How stupid are these people?” Trump rambled.

Trump Insists He’s “Extremely Normal” During Incredibly Weird Speech

Donald Trump still doesn’t have a comeback to Kamala Harris calling him weird.

Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

After stewing in Tim Walz’s “weird” label for several weeks, Donald Trump has finally cooked up a comeback: No, you.

“You know, he said we’re weird,” Trump told a small crowd in York, Pennsylvania, on Monday during an event that was supposed to focus on the economy. “That J.D. and I are weird. I think we’re extremely normal people.”

“We’re like you, we’re exactly like you,” the Epstein-socializing, family-separating, woman-hating, millionaire former reality TV star and convicted felon said about himself and his vice presidential pick, J.D. Vance, who became the target of an online joke that he had screwed a couch.

“He is weird,” Trump continued, referring to Walz. “Did you ever see him go on the stage and go, like, crazy? Between his movement and her laugh, there’s a lot of crazy. I’d say a step further than weird, weird is a nice word by comparison.”

But just moments earlier, Trump had failed to demonstrate how not weird he is by refusing, once again, to admit that he lost the 2020 presidential election and, later, choosing to refer to himself in the third person.

“Everyone was better off when you had a gentleman named President Donald J. Trump at the helm. Does anybody know him? Whoever he may be,” he said to muted applause.

Scam Artist George Santos Finally Confesses

The former New York representative has finally said something honest—and pleaded guilty.

George Santos outside court
Bing Guan/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Former Representative George Santos pleaded guilty to federal charges of wire fraud and identity theft on Monday afternoon.

The con artist and serial liar will avoid being tried on more than 23 charges, which include employment fraud, money laundering, and theft of public funds, but still faces anywhere from two to 20 years in prison.

In court Monday, Santos finally spoke truthfully and sounded contrite, a departure from his normal record of dishonesty in which he lied about his biography, his resume, and even his wardrobe.

“I accept full responsibility for my actions,” he said to the judge. “I understand my actions have betrayed the trust of my supporters and my constituents.”

As part of his plea agreement, Santos agreed to pay $373,749.97 in restitution for his crimes, and his sentencing has been postponed until February 7.

Santos’s blatant crimes led to him being expelled from Congress in December, despite Republicans controlling the House of Representatives with a narrow majority. He was ultimately replaced by Democrat Tom Suozzi in a special election in February, and briefly tried to return to Congress in a futile campaign against one of his biggest Republican detractors, Long Island Representative Nick LaLota. He has spent his time post-Congress earning money on the celebrity personalized message platform Cameo, even bringing back his drag alter ego “Kitara Ravache.”

After his guilty plea, Santos spoke to the press, telling his ex-constituents “I failed you,” seemingly choking up.

“I hope that by facing these consequences head on, I hope that I can demonstrate my commitment to change and to earning your forgiveness,” Santos said. “I do not ask for your forgiveness, as I know that must be earned through actions, not words.”

This story has been updated.

Pro-Harris Group Perfectly Calls Out Trump’s Christianity Scam

Evangelicals For Harris skewered Donald Trump in a new ad.

Donald Trump smiles during a campaign rally
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

An evangelical group has come out in support of Vice President Kamala Harris, and its ads are aggressively looking to peel more members of the conservative Christian sect away from Donald Trump.

A new media spot by Evangelicals For Harris turns to the fourth verse of the first book of John for guidance on the upcoming election, pairing the “false prophet” Bible passage with several caustic clips of Trump.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,” the advertisement opens.

The clips include the time in 2016 when Trump claimed he could shoot someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and not lose any votes, as well as recent instances in which the Republican nominee channeled the language of Adolf Hitler, arguing that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” while elevating some of his icons, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“Read 1 John 4. Choose Christ’s Love,” the advertisement ends.

It’s the second such ad by the group in recent weeks. On Wednesday, Evangelicals For Harris stitched a clip of the late Billy Graham urging parishioners to atone for their sins with a 2015 interview of Trump, in which the former real estate mogul said he was “not sure” he had ever asked God for forgiveness.

“That’s a tough question. I’m not sure I have,” Trump said at the time. “I just, I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.”

The clip was not taken well by Graham’s son and institutional successor, who wrote on Twitter that “the liberals are using anything and everything they can to promote candidate Harris.”

“They even developed a political ad trying to use my father @BillyGraham’s image,” Franklin Graham said in response. “They are trying to mislead people. Maybe they don’t know that my father appreciated the conservative values and policies of President @realDonaldTrump in 2016, and if he were alive today, my father’s views and opinions would not have changed.”

But clearly, the pro-Trump sentiment is not shared throughout the religious dynasty: Billy Graham’s granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, endorsed Harris days later. Speaking during an Evangelicals For Harris Zoom call on Friday, Duford lamented how her denomination’s ongoing support of Trump has turned young people away from religion.

“In 2016, when a man bragged about assaulting women, various leaders of my faith then propped up this man as a poster boy for godly manhood and leadership,” Duford told the group. “This broke my heart as I have watched—quite frankly, for the last eight years—people who were curious about Jesus and His teachings [have] done a 180 and walked in the other direction from my faith.”

Read more about Trump’s Christianity grift:

AOC Is Speaking Primetime at DNC—After Just 90 Seconds in 2020 DNC

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is giving a speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Here’s how to watch.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the 2024 Democratic National Convention
Brandon Bell/Getty Images

On Monday night, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will address the Democratic National Convention at 9 p.m. E.T.

Giving Ocasio-Cortez a prime-time speaking slot on the convention’s first day appears to signal an acknowledgement of the party’s left-wing contingent. The theme of Monday’s programming is “for the people.” The New York representative has not yet indicated what her speech will be about or if she will address the calls from protesters for a cease-fire and an arms embargo on Israel.

Twitter screenshot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC: Hello from Chicago! 👋🏽 Happy to announce that I will be delivering remarks at @DemConvention TONIGHT. 📺 Tune in at 9pm EST:

Still, the speech is a big shift in the Democratic Party. In 2020, Ocasio-Cortez virtually addressed the Democratic National Convention with a brief 90 second speech to symbolically endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the presidential nomination.

Other speakers Monday night will include President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, Representative Jamie Raskin, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, Representative Jasmine Crockett, and United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain, among others.

You can watch a livestream of the convention, including Ocasio-Cortez’s speech, here:

Desperate James Comer Now Wants to Impeach Biden (Again) to Help Trump

The House Oversight Committee released a list of Joe Biden’s “impeachable conduct” after more than a year of failing to actually impeach him.

James Comer rests his chin on his hands during a House Oversight Committee hearing
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images

House Republicans are once again trying to impeach President Joe Biden.

A nearly 300-page report prepared by the House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Ways and Means Committee, and serendipitously obtained by Fox News on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, alleges that Biden committed “impeachable conduct.”

The committees claimed that Biden’s son Hunter, his brother James, and their associates had raked in more than $27 million from foreign individuals or entities since 2014, and that Biden had used his position as vice president to leverage more than $8 million in loans from Democratic donors. However, the report was unable to provide evidence that Biden himself had benefited from business dealings, or participated in any foreign business deals.

Many of the claims in the report had already been refuted by witness testimony during interviews with the House Oversight Committee last year.

The report also alleged that Biden had concealed his mishandling of classified documents after his time as vice president, although Special Counsel Robert Hur had declined to prosecute because there was not enough evidence to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

The report comes 11 months after Republicans first announced their failed campaign to convince a majority of House members to impeach Biden. House Republicans referred Hunter and James Biden for criminal prosecution in June, after a disastrous impeachment inquiry that failed to scrounge up the slightest bit of evidence that Biden had committed any wrongdoing.

While that appeared to be a sign that House Oversight Chair James Comer’s quest to oust Biden had reached its inevitable, but anticlimactic, conclusion, apparently, that was somehow not the end of the Republicans’ feeble attempts to help Donald Trump.

“After wasting nearly two years and millions of taxpayer dollars, House Republicans have finally given up on their wild goose chase. This failed stunt will only be remembered for how it became an embarrassment that their own members distanced themselves from as they only managed to turn up evidence that refuted their false and baseless conspiracy theories,” Sharon Yang, the White House spokesperson for oversight investigations, told Fox News.

House Oversight Democrats released their own memo on Monday, refuting some of the Republicans’ long-debunked claims, including the false accusation that Biden had pushed for the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a company linked to his son.

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries posted on X, slamming the Republicans’ report. “House Democrats will continue to put people over politics. Extreme MAGA Republicans are baselessly threatening to impeach President Biden and shut down the government in September,” he wrote. “These extremists are unfit to govern.”