Lauren Boebert Crashes and Burns During First Debate Stage Appearance
Trisha Calvarese mopped the floor with Lauren Boebert during their first (and only) debate.

Representative Lauren Boebert did not have a good debate with her Democratic opponent, Trisha Calvarese—and Calvarese has video to prove it.
Calvarese posted a statement to X (formerly Twitter) after the debate, which was held Tuesday afternoon in Littleton, Colorado, calling out Boebert for “disrespecting veterans,” opposing lower prices for prescription drugs, and skipping critical votes. She replied to the post with videos from the debate that quickly went viral and caused Boebert’s name to trend on the social media site.
At the debate, Calvarese mentioned her father who had cancer, and said that lifesaving medication covered by his union benefits allowed her to spend four extra years with him. Calvarese pointed out that Boebert voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, putting high-cost medicines out of reach for millions.
Let me tell you a story about my experience with prescription drugs and their ability to extend my dad's life... Lauren Boebert voted against lowering their cost.
— Trisha Calvarese for Colorado (@trisha4colorado) September 3, 2024
Calvarese also attacked Boebert for voting against the PACT Act, which expanded benefits and health services to military veterans who were exposed to toxic substances, particularly from burn pits, during their service.
“You voted against care for veterans exposed to cancer-causing toxins and burn pits during war,” Calvarese said. “So we definitely have different priorities because I believe we should take care of our veterans, always.”
Boebert tried to justify her vote by saying that she couldn’t suggest amendments for the bill and was unwilling to spend “a billion dollars forever because we couldn’t get a couple of pieces of language right in the legislation.”
Calvarese fired back by calling out Boebert’s votes to cut funding to the Department of Veterans Affairs, which Boebert weakly tried to claim were due to the VA’s unresponsiveness.
Speaking of America First, how can you be America First if you put Veterans last? You voted against care for our Veterans exposed to toxic burn pits.
— Trisha Calvarese for Colorado (@trisha4colorado) September 3, 2024
Tuesday’s debate was the only one scheduled between the two candidates, and it was held at a country club with an entry fee and not televised. Calverese told reporters after the debate concluded that there should be two more televised debates, to which Boebert responded that Calvarese “had her debate today.”
“I debate Democrats on a daily basis,” Boebert said. “It is my job.”
Boebert’s reelection campaign hasn’t gone smoothly, as she switched districts to have an easier time staying in office and didn’t receive an initial warm welcome from the new constituents she was running to represent. She also had a rough time at earlier debates during the Republican primary, and has had struggled to defend her poor record in Congress. Her son’s criminal trial has undercut her attacks against Hunter Biden, and her efforts in Congress to seem like an effective legislator have backfired. And of course, there was her lewd behavior at a Denver theater’s showing of Beetlejuice that was caught on camera.