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Harris Hits Trump Where it Hurts in Brutal Pre-Debate Ad

Kamala Harris has turned the words of Donald Trump’s ex-advisers against him.

Kamala Harris smiles while standing at a podium during a campaign rally
Danielle Parhizkaran/The Boston Globe/Getty Images

Kamala Harris released a damning message Monday about Donald Trump, straight from the mouths of former members of his administration.

An advertisement released by the Harris campaign one day before the presidential debate highlights how all “the best people” Trump hired to work in his White House no longer support the Republican nominee. In fact, they have gone out of their way to sound the alarm.

The video includes footage of former Vice President Mike Pence, speaking after Trump’s original January 6 indictment, alleging that Trump pressured Pence not to certify the 2020 election results. The House January 6 investigative committee concluded that the former president had “riled up a mob that hunted his own vice president.”

“Anyone who puts themself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States,” Pence said at the time.

Last month, special counsel Jack Smith filed a new indictment against Trump, following a Supreme Court ruling that claimed that the former president’s conversations with Pence were “official conduct” and could not be used as evidence against him.

The video, which will run on Fox News ahead of the debate Tuesday, also contained the harsh words of former Defense Secretary Mark Esper, former national security adviser John Bolton, and retired General Mark Milley, who called Trump a “wannabe dictator.”

Not only do their words carry a dire warning, but their criticisms have a history of getting under Trump’s skin. When Milley went after Trump in a 2023 profile in The Atlantic, the former president suggested that the then head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff deserved to be put to death.

The ad narration concluded, “Take it from the people who knew him best: Donald Trump is a danger to our troops and our democracy. We can’t let him lead our country again.”

The second presidential debate will air on Tuesday at 9 p.m. on ABC.

Trump Is Shockingly Out of Touch This Election—and His Team Knows It

A new report exposes Donald Trump’s total disconnect from basic facts.

Donald Trump speaks at a mic. Several U.S. flags are behind him.
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Besides stumbling through his speeches onstage, it appears that Donald Trump is also struggling to keep up with basic facts this election season. And even his team has given up.

In a wide-ranging interview with New York magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi, published on Monday, Trump seemed to be unaware of major news events, as well as basic details about Kamala Harris. During one part of the conversation, Trump predictably went on a tangent about Harris’s Marxist background.

“And she’s Marxist, and that’s, that’s strange in this country because this country will never be a Marxist country. She’s actually—you know, her father is a big promoter of Marxism,” said Trump. Nuzzi pushed back and attempted to fact-check Trump: Harris was raised by her mother and does not have an active relationship with her father. Trump seemed genuinely surprised by the correction.

“I don’t know …” Trump said. “Maybe that’s true, yeah. I just don’t know anything about it. I just know that he’s a Marxist professor,” he responded.

When Nuzzi asked a Trump adviser how it could be the case that Trump appears to have not done his research, the longtime adviser gave a troubling anecdote about Joe Biden’s postdebate interview with George Stephanopoulos. “I called [Trump] and said, ‘I know a little about what happened in the interview. Do you want me to read it to you?’ He said, ‘What interview?’ He didn’t even know about it. I’m like, ‘Mr. President, there’s absolutely no possibility that you don’t know?’” Trump then reportedly asked the adviser what network the interview was airing on so he could TiVo it.

This interaction paints a picture of Trump as a student who refuses to do homework—even if  it means he’ll fail.

But some fault must be placed on Trump’s new ragtag team, as well. Neither Susan Wiles nor Chris LaCivita, Trump’s co-campaign chairs, was on the 2016 or 2020 team. And though it seems like Trump may appear to be course-correcting by bringing back Corey Lewandowski, his adviser from 2016, the former president told Nuzzi he wasn’t trying to fix a failing campaign.

“I just like him. Corey’s a character,” Trump said. “But I’m very happy with everybody.”

Deranged Trump Calls to Jail All of His Political Enemies

Donald Trump warned that, if he wins, anyone involved in “election interference” will be imprisoned.

Donald Trump points into a camera during a campaign rally
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Donald Trump is still setting the stage to claim a stolen election in November.

Over the weekend, the Republican presidential nominee called for the imprisonment of his enemies, demanding that those involved with what he considers election interference should be prosecuted and jailed.

“CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Saturday. “It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again.”

That’s a convenient reversal of where Trump was just last week, when he admitted that he lost the 2020 presidential election “by a whisker.”

“We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T!” Trump continued, warning his followers to not support people in positions of authority overseeing the upcoming election. “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”

Trump’s tirade did not, however, refer to himself, despite the fact that he’s criminally charged with election subversion in Washington, D.C., and Georgia. Legal experts believe that Trump’s own admission of losing the 2020 election could damn his chances of surviving his January 6 trial, a case that was considered practically dead after the Supreme Court granted the former president wide-ranging immunity in July.

Team Trump Is Freaking Out That He’ll Blow the Debate With Harris

Donald Trump’s team is nervous about the first presidential debate with Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s campaign team is worried that he’s going to mess up in his debate against Vice President Kamala Harris Tuesday.

The staffers reportedly don’t know if a “happy Trump” or “angry Trump” will show up  at the National Constitution Hall in Philadelphia, where ABC News will be hosting the debate, according to unnamed sources who spoke to The Guardian.

If Trump is frustrated, he may resort to personal insults, taking aim at Harris’s race and gender and hurting voters’ perceptions, which some of his fellow Republicans have criticized as counterproductive. Trump could also go into one of his angry rants, which gets his MAGA base excited but could alienate independent and swing voters.

After President Biden’s poor showing in June’s debate with Trump, Biden faced criticism and pressure that led to him dropping out of the race. Harris’s entry to the top of the Democratic debate has reversed Trump’s momentum, making his campaign desperate for a winning attack line or other means to regain their polling edge.

So Trump’s team hopes that a strong, winning performance can improve his standing. Ever since Harris entered the race, the Trump-Vance campaign has floundered, with damaging revelations about Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance. His comments about people without children and his inability to interact normally with the public have not helped the campaign’s prospects.

Meanwhile, Harris’s selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz seems like a masterstroke in comparison, thanks to Walz’s strong record as a teacher and military veteran. The Democratic vice presidential candidate has also produced some powerful sound bites and hit Republicans hard with one of the strongest and simplest Democratic attack lines in years: calling them weird.

Like in June’s debate, each candidate’s microphones will be muted when it’s not their turn to speak, which is a relief to Trump staffers who think his interruptions will make him look bad. Unlike with Biden, Harris will have rhetorical skills that she honed in her days as a prosecutor, which could easily rattle a convicted felon showing signs of cognitive decline.

Nikki Haley Kicks Off Her New Comms Job With No-Holds-Barred Tweet

Nikki Haley is flaming a MAGA influencer at the center of the Russian disinformation scheme.

Nikki Haley raises an index finger for emphasis while speaking
Scott Eisen/Getty Images

Nikki Haley is now working in communications—and she’s going to tweet whatever she wants.

On Friday, the failed Republican presidential candidate went deep in the archives to mock conservative pundit Lauren Chen, who was implicated this week in a Justice Department indictment on a massive Russian disinformation scheme.

A company Chen co-founded, Tenet Media, was found to have been funded by Russia as part of “a scheme to create and distribute content to U.S. audiences with hidden Russian government messaging.” And just a few days after the indictment, Tenet Media shuttered its doors.

“Karma’s a bitch,” Haley posted on X (formerly Twitter), quoting a Chen post from 2023 where the pundit said Haley “should move to Ukraine and run for its presidency then,” referencing Haley stating her support for Ukraine at a CNN town hall.

Tweet screenshot Nikki Haley @NikkiHaley: Karma's a bitch, @TheLaurenChen Quote tweet: Lauren Chen @TheLaurenChen June 4, 2023 .@NikkiHaley should move to Ukraine and run for its presidency then. Spare us the America Last Neocon talking points.

In addition to Tenet Media folding as a result of the indictment and the consequent negative publicity, Chen also lost her job at another conservative media outlet, Blaze Media. Meanwhile, Haley, who withdrew from the presidential race in March and subsequently endorsed Donald Trump, just took a job at a public affairs firm.

Tenet Media, which worked with right-wing influencers like Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Lauren Southern, and Benny Johnson, is now a black mark on the résumé of Chen and her husband, Liam Donovan, the company’s other founder. Being singled out as a useful tool for a Russian disinformation campaign is not going to land her a cushy new job, unlike Nikki Haley.

Despite the funny tweet, it’s worth remembering that Haley is still backing Trump, who isn’t exactly a staunch supporter of Ukraine himself. But, seeing as she isn’t working in politics anymore, she can collect her P.R. paycheck and not have to worry about being called out herself.

More developments on the Russian disinfo plot:

Florida Goes Full Police State Over Abortion Ballot Initiative

One state representative has accused Governor Ron DeSantis of “clear voter intimidation and plain corruption.”

People hold up protest signs in support of Florida’s abortion amendment initiative
Chandan Khanna/AFP/Getty Images

Florida is reportedly sending police officers to the homes of people who signed a petition supporting an abortion rights ballot initiative.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration has begun investigating thousands of verified signatures that helped to put a state constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion on the ballot in November. The amendment would overturn Florida’s current six-week abortion ban.

Petition organizers collected about 100,000 more signatures than they needed, surpassing the 900,000 that are required by the state and ensuring that their policy would be on the ballot. Now the Department of State’s spokesperson Ryan Ash claims that his agency has “uncovered evidence of illegal conduct with fraudulent petitions.”

Supervisors in Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach, Osceola, Alachua, and Broward counties have been requested to gather around 36,000 signatures for state review, according to the Tampa Bay Times. One supervisor with 16 years of experience told the Times that the state’s request was entirely unprecedented. Not only had the state requested signatures that had already been verified, but they did so for a validated petition, not a rejected petition, which are typically the basis of fraud investigations.

Multiple residents in Lee County have reported being visited by law enforcement following up on their petition signatures.

Fort Myers resident Isaac Menasche shared in a Facebook post Wednesday that a “detective investigating petition fraud” had come to his home.

“I had indeed signed a petition seeking to have the right to an abortion placed on the ballot in Florida. I remembered doing so and the circumstances surrounding it,” wrote Menasche, noting that he doesn’t usually sign petitions.

“The experience left me shaken. What troubled me was he had a folder on me containing my personal information—about 10 pages. I saw a copy of my drivers license and copy of the petition I signed. It was obvious to me that a significant effort was exerted to determine if indeed I had signed the petition.”

Menasche wrote that it was “troubling” that such resources were being allocated to the investigation and wondered if the same would have been done for a less divisive issue than abortion.

Florida state Representative Anna Eskamani responded to the reported police encounter in a post on Facebook Friday.

“This is unhinged and undemocratic behavior being pushed by Governor Ron DeSantis in an effort to continue our state’s near total abortion ban,” Eskamani wrote. “It’s clear voter intimidation and plain corruption—continue to call it out and fight back.”

Watch: Trump Trashes All His Lawyers as They Awkwardly Stare at Him

What a time to be alive (and Donald Trump’s lawyer).

Donald Trump and his lawyers
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

At his press conference Friday in New York, Donald Trump not only complained heavily about the defamation judgment that he’s appealing, but also about his own lawyers.

Trump said, “I have all of this legal talent, but legal talent cannot overcome rigged judges, they can’t overcome a 4 percent Republican area, and I’m disappointed in my legal talent, I’ll be honest with you. They’re good, they’re good people. They’re talented people.”

After that, however, Trump went off on a tangent about some kind of dress involved in his defamation trial, wondering why his lawyers didn’t mention it, as it somehow exonerated him.

Later in the press conference, Trump criticized one of his lawyers for telling him not to attend the defamation trial in 2023, and seemed unsure if it took place while he was still president.

The attacks on his own lawyers were a small part of Trump’s incoherent ramblings during his Friday press conference, from his bizarre choice to mention other sexual assault allegations against him to attacking E. Jean Carroll and basically inviting another lawsuit. It could all be more examples of his increasing cognitive decline, or his famously thin skin.

Either way, maybe the former president should avoid attacking his lawyers, considering they may be the only people standing between him and actual legal consequences for his actions. Then again, the Supreme Court did give him a huge favor with its immunity ruling earlier this summer, which was a big reason why his hush money sentencing was delayed for a second time. Still, keeping his mouth shut and focusing on his campaign would be the smart thing to do for Trump, but that’s never been his strong suit, and his campaign knows it.

Liz Cheney Rips Trump and J.D. Vance a New One in Explosive Presser

Liz Cheney held nothing back when asked about the 2024 Republican ticket.

Liz Cheney
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Liz Cheney has advice for Kamala Harris for her debate next week: “Let Trump be Trump.”

The former Republican Wyoming representative spoke with Atlantic writer Mark Leibovich in Texas on Friday, following her endorsement of Harris for president this week. In her conversation, she shared words of wisdom for Harris—and a brutally honest condemnation of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

When asked how Harris should approach Tuesday’s presidential debate against Trump, Cheney responded by saying that Harris should relish the fact that this is an “opportunity [where] Donald Trump gets to show the American people who he is.” And who he is, in her words, is a “misogynistic pig.”

“This is my diplomatic way of saying it: They’re misogynistic pigs,” Cheney said, speaking of Vance and Trump as the audience erupted in applause. “I think that will become clear.”

“Look at what J.D. Vance says on almost a daily basis about women; that guy’s got a real women problem,” Cheney added. “I don’t know what it is, and I don’t want to psychoanalyze him, and there’s a lot of eyeliner jokes to be made in there …”

Women in this country “have had enough,” said Cheney, who urged Harris to focus on “substance and policy” during ABC’s upcoming debate against the former president, while also getting in a few quips about Vance’s weirdness.*

In the same presser, Cheney shared a shocking piece of news: Her father also plans to vote for Harris this November.

“If you listen to what [Vance] says about women and you look at what Donald Trump and what Donald Trump has done and what he says about women—these are not people we can entrust with power again.”

* This article originally misstated the network on which the debate will air.

The Top Republican Who Just Endorsed Harris Will Blow Your Mind

Former Representative Liz Cheney announced her father, Dick Cheney, intends to vote for Kamala Harris.

Dick Cheney looks forward during a Liz Cheney primary event
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Apparently, Donald Trump has gone too far for a former acolyte of unitary executive theory.

During an appearance at the Texas Tribune Festival on Friday, former Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney made a startling announcement about her father’s plans for the November election.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said, as the crowd erupted into applause.

“My dad believes, and he’s said publicly, that there has never been an individual in our country who is as grave a threat to our democracy as Donald Trump is,” she explained. She had formally endorsed Harris during an address at Duke University on Thursday.

Later on Friday, the elder Cheney released a statement confirming that he would vote for Harris in November.

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again,” he said.   

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”

The former vice president for George W. Bush had previously criticized Trump, calling him a “coward” in an advertisement for his daughter’s 2022 congressional campaign.

His daughter was one of a small handful of Republicans to openly criticize Trump after the deadly January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. As a result, Trump has suggested she be tried for treason in a “televised military tribunal.”

While in office, Dick Cheney advocated for a catastrophic and unnecessary war, invaded the privacy of millions of Americans, and sought to bolster presidential authority (and immunity). Back then, he propagated his own damage to democracy. Now it seems that Trump offends even his sensibilities.

Liz Cheney didn’t mince words when discussing Trump or his lackluster running mate, J.D. Vance. “This is my diplomatic way of saying it: They’re misogynistic pigs,” Cheney said, as the audience cheered. She said she remained hopeful that their characters would “become clear” during the upcoming debates.

This story has been updated.

Liar in Chief Trump Twists Meaning of Hush-Money Sentence Delay

Donald Trump’s sentencing date in his hush-money felony case has been delayed until after the election.

Donald Trump grimaces
Charly Triballeau/AFP/Getty Images

New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan handed Donald Trump a massive win on Friday, delaying his hush-money sentencing until November 26, after the national election. But news of the reprieve wasn’t enough for Trump, who turned around and distributed a deliberately misleading message to his followers on Truth Social that claimed the trial—in which he had already been found guilty by a jury—amounted to “no case.”

“The Manhattan D.A. Witch Hunt has been postponed because everyone realizes that there was NO CASE, I DID NOTHING WRONG!” Trump wrote. “It is a political attack against me by Comrade Kamala Harris and other Radical Left Opponents for purposes of Election Interference, and is a case that should have never been brought. Nothing like this has ever happened in the United States of America—IT IS STRICTLY THIRD WORLD, BANANA REPUBLIC ‘STUFF.’”

Trump then proceeded to name-drop a host of Fox News contributors and legal analysts, including Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz, and Mark Levin, claiming that top attorneys “understand this.”

“I greatly appreciate the words ‘if necessary’ being utilized in the Decision, because there should be no ‘if necessary’—This case should be rightfully terminated, as we prepare for the Most Important Election in the History of our Country,” Trump continued, referring to the final words in the legal order that specified the future sentencing date. “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Trump was found guilty in May of 34 felony charges related to falsifying business records with the intent to further an underlying crime in the first degree. Trump was accused of using his former fixer Michael Cohen to sweep an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels under the rug before the 2016 presidential election in an effort to skew public opinion.