Trump Just Gave Stupidest Reason Possible for Banning Paper Straws
Um, what?

Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday liberating Americans from the “forced use” of paper straws, because why govern when you can just screw around?
The executive order stated that it would end the “irrational campaign” against plastic straws, and determined that paper straws were “nonfunctional,” more expensive to produce, and use harmful chemicals.
“These things don’t work, I’ve had them many times, and on occasion, they break, they explode,” Trump said, as he signed the order. “If something’s hot, they don’t last very long, like a matter of minutes, sometimes a matter of seconds. It’s a ridiculous situation.”
The real ridiculous situation is Trump thinking that anyone cares that much about paper straws while he rips away funding from essential government agencies, undermines the government’s checks and balances, and empowers a billionaire technocrat to sift through Americans’ private information.
But Trump has other things on his mind, such as destroying the symbols of the liberal regime he’s come to replace rather than actually doing anything to help struggling Americans—or sharks, as it turns out.
“I don’t think that plastic is going to affect a shark as they’re eating, as they’re munching their way through the ocean,” Trump assured reporters Monday.
The order stated that all federal agencies would stop the purchase of paper straws, and instructed the assistant to the president for domestic policy to create a strategy within 45 days to impose the policy nationwide.
Of course, the “irrational” campaign Trump is raging against was really one against all single-use plastics. But thanks to Trump, who has called climate change a “hoax” and recently withdrew the U.S. from the Paris climate accords for a second time, plastic straws are back to fill the oceans, and the planet is free to burn!