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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
May 15, 2018
Atman Trivedi
The U.S.-India Relationship Needs Work
Two decades after India tested its nuclear weapons, the country still isn't in a position to do what the United States wants from it: help counter China.
April 18, 2018
Fatema Z. Sumar
A Smarter Idea Than Starting a Trade War
To curb China, the U.S. could increase development aid to other Asian countries. Sometimes, doing good is good strategy.
October 25, 2017
Tobias Harris
The Bright Side of Japan’s Bleak Election
The country has reverted to de facto one-party rule. But there are signs that Japan's democracy is not dead yet.
October 9, 2017
Lisa Levy
A Journalist Confronts the Japanese Tsunami
In "Ghosts of the Tsunami," Richard Lloyd Parry asks: How can you write about a disaster beyond comprehension?
October 5, 2017
Jo Livingstone
What’s So “Inscrutable” About Kazuo Ishiguro?
The author has now won the Nobel Prize. But critics are still struggling to understand him.
August 28, 2017
Clio Chang
How Not to Adapt a Manga Classic
Netflix's "Death Note" is a case study in whitewashing a great story so thoroughly that it becomes unrecognizable.
May 5, 2017
Ryu Spaeth
How Should a Person Die?
Minae Mizumura's "Inheritance From Mother" takes on aging, family, and Japan's complicated relationship with the West.
January 12, 2017
Jeet Heer
Why Donald Trump Wants You to Ignore Russia and Worry About China
His emerging foreign policy would divide the planet along racial lines.
November 28, 2016
W. David Marx
The Novelist and the Maestro
In a new book of conversations, Haruki Murakami mines the memories of famed conductor Seiji Ozawa for an insider view of orchestra life.
November 17, 2016
Graham Vyse
A congressman who lived through a Japanese-American internment camp tells Trump: “This is hate, not policy.”
August 31, 2016
Michael H. Fuchs
Obama’s Asia Pivot Has Been a Historic Success
August 22, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
How did a fictional Italian plumber become Japan’s ambassador to the world?
July 19, 2016
Neil Steinberg
When Cuteness Comes of Age
Japan's country and culture is conflicted over cuteness.
June 20, 2016
Steve Featherstone
The Ghosts of Fukushima
It’s been five years since the meltdown forced them to abandon their village. Now they’re going home. Can a town devastated by nuclear disaster be brought back to life?
June 16, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
I can’t stop watching this “Japanese commercial” for Donald Trump.
May 27, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
Obama’s Hiroshima speech was great.
May 17, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
There really is nobility in failure.
May 10, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
What kind of history will Obama make by visiting Hiroshima?
April 18, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
Is Scarlett Johansson Too White for Anime?
The outrage prompted by her role in "Ghost in the Shell" simplifies Japan and America’s long history of mutual appropriation.
March 12, 2016
Emma Foehringer Merchant
At the time of the Fukushima disaster, there were 442 nuclear reactors in the world. Today, there are 440.
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