Look Who James Comer Thinks Is Part of the Deep State Now
The House Oversight chair is suddenly worried one particular Fox News host will fact-check him on his Biden investigation.

The chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, is apparently afraid to go up against even the mildest of criticism as he pushes the GOP forward with a symbolic impeachment vote of Joe Biden, telling Newsmax host Eric Bolling that he won’t even dare to go on Fox.
On Monday, Fox anchor Steve Doocy suggested on Fox & Friends that the probe, which hasn’t produced one fact witness who could say Joe Biden did anything illegal and has tried and failed to tie the president into the business dealings of his son Hunter Biden, was meritless.
“They’ve connected the dots, the Department of Justice did, on Hunter, but they have not shown where Joe Biden, you know, did anything illegally,” Doocy said on the network before being harangued by his colleagues.
Thanks to that tiny hole in the conservative safety net that is Fox News, Comer jumped ship to Newsmax on Wednesday, claiming that Doocy’s dissenting opinion is too threatening.
“He’s had that position from the very beginning,” Comer told Bolling. “I’ve quit going on Fox & Friends because of Doocy, you know? I mean, he’s the one guy on Fox that’s been very critical of the investigation. I have my theory why, and we’ll talk about that at a later point, but at the end of the day, he’s entitled to his opinion, but I don’t think the average viewer of Fox News agrees with Doocy one bit.”
But if Comer is too afraid to face down Fox News for even the mildest bout of criticism, what does that mean for the actual impeachment proceedings, which Republicans seemingly want to keep in the dark?
Last week, the caucus threatened to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress if he refused to appear for a closed door deposition, despite the president’s son’s previously voiced preference for a public hearing, fearing that information from those interviews would be selectively leaked and used to “manipulate, even distort, the facts and misinform the American public.”
The House is expected to cast a floor vote sometime on Wednesday to formalize the impeachment proceedings into Joe Biden.