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The New Republic
Grierson & Leitch
August 29, 2016
Tim Grierson
Ten Movies We Can’t Wait to See at the Toronto Film Festival
A documentary about the financial crisis, a Philip Roth adaptation, and a Jackie Kennedy biopic round out our most anticipated films.
August 25, 2016
Will Leitch
Tim Grierson
What We Learned Watching Summer Movies
Grierson & Leitch dismantle 2016's terrible summer of sequels, blockbusters, and would-be tentpoles.
August 23, 2016
Tim Grierson
Will Leitch
Grierson and Leitch Episode 31:
War Dogs
Lo and Behold
, and
Breaking Away
August 22, 2016
Will Leitch
Lo and Behold
: Navigating the World Wide Werner
Werner Herzog's new documentary on the internet signals that it may be time for the director to get out of the way of his own films.
August 19, 2016
Tim Grierson
War Dogs
: An Iraq War Satire Without the Bite
Based on a true story, this comedy from the director of ‘The Hangover’ isn’t daring enough to be truly outrageous.
August 12, 2016
Tim Grierson
Florence Foster Jenkins
: Sing, And the World Will Embrace You
This good-hearted tale of a terrible singer sidesteps deeper issues of our fascination with bad art.
August 9, 2016
Will Leitch
Pete’s Dragon
: A Heartfelt Film, Empty At the Core
This Disney remake is better than it ought to be—but should it even have been made in the first place?
August 5, 2016
Tim Grierson
Little Men
: When Nobody’s the Bad Guy, Everybody Is
In the latest film from Ira Sachs, a rent dispute between well-meaning people exposes their inability to be decent to one another.
August 3, 2016
Will Leitch
Suicide Squad
: Unleash Hell, Don’t Ask Questions
With too many characters, and little to justify their existence, the DC Universe is an ever-expanding world of senseless, plotless mayhem.
July 29, 2016
Will Leitch
Jason Bourne
: Punching Down on a Once Great Franchise
Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon had a dynamic, mysterious hero in Jason Bourne, but returning to him after ten years proves a tiresome exercise.
July 20, 2016
Will Leitch
Don’t Think Twice
: Say Yes to Distress
Mike Birbiglia directs this comedy about members of an improv troupe on the verge of making it big.
July 15, 2016
Will Leitch
Café Society
: Go West, Young Neurotic
While trifling, a bit meandering, and certainly a little repetitive, Woody Allen’s 46th film manages not to be a complete clunker.
July 13, 2016
Tim Grierson
Will Leitch
Grierson & Leitch Episode 25:
The Secret Life of Pets
July 6, 2016
Tim Grierson
The Secret Life of Pets
: Homeward Bound, But Lacking Charm
The Pixar formula may be a simple one, but Illumination Entertainment can’t seem to capture the same magic.
July 6, 2016
Tim Grierson
Will Leitch
Grierson & Leitch Episode 24: The Best Movies of 2016, So Far
July 1, 2016
Tim Grierson
The Legend of Tarzan
: What’s Wrong With a Little Monkey Business?
The latest film starring Edgar Rice Burroughs’s mythic character is a somber, misguided, effects-heavy abomination.
June 29, 2016
Tim Grierson
Will Leitch
The Six Best Movies of the Year, So Far
To make sure they aren’t forgotten by year’s end, we present our favorite movies of the first half of 2016.
June 29, 2016
Tim Grierson
Will Leitch
Grierson & Leitch Episode 23:
Independence Day
The Neon Demon
The Shallows
, and More
June 24, 2016
Tim Grierson
Independence Day:
You Can’t Phone Home Again
Roland Emmerich doesn’t follow up his 1996 sci-fi smash so much as copy it—but the blockbuster formula no longer holds.
June 22, 2016
Tim Grierson
Swiss Army Man
: No Girls Allowed
The audacious comedy gets surreal about male insecurities—but they’re still the same old sensitive-bro problems.
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