White Nationalist and Nazi Nick Fuentes Is Back on Twitter
Elon Musk’s Twitter has reinstated Fuentes’s account. Just last week, Fuentes called Hitler “really fucking cool.”

Nazi, white nationalist, and Taliban fan Nick Fuentes is back on Twitter.
Fuentes was originally banned from Twitter in July 2021 for his dangerous and violent rhetoric about people of color, women, Jewish people, immigrants, LGBTQ people, Covid-19, and much more.
Even after being banned from Twitter (and several other social media platforms), Fuentes continued his venomous tirade against everyone and everything in the world that is not him. He has proudly said he’s “just like Hitler,” has called for the right to embrace becoming a “truly reactionary party,” and has said that “Catholic monarchy, and just war, and crusades, and inquisitions” are much better than democracy.
Just last week, Fuentes called Hitler “a pedophile … also really fucking cool.”
And now Elon Musk’s Twitter has brought him back.
Fuentes proudly announced his return Tuesday morning:
— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) January 24, 2023
Musk’s reinstatement of Fuentes legitimizes all the vicious garbage the Nazi has spewed, and essentially returns to him a massive avenue to spread it further:
After YouTube pulled the plug on Nick, he told his audience that he retained 80% of his audience through Twitter referrals. Then Twitter suspended him too. Musk restoring his account will drive significant traffic to Fuentes’ hate site: https://t.co/HyK8n2vLQX pic.twitter.com/GM0H41Umdr
— Michael Edison Hayden (@MichaelEHayden) January 24, 2023
And in an era of Twitter where the “For you” tab seems to operate more like a TikTok-ified right-wing funnel, amplifying accounts that many users would have no business seeing, the danger of Fuentes’s return cannot be overstated.
The reinstatement comes after Musk’s repeated failed attempts to bring Kanye West, known now as Ye, back to Twitter. In December, West appeared alongside Fuentes on Alex Jones’s InfoWars, where he peddled Nazi propaganda, Holocaust denialism, and support for Hitler. Later that night, he posted a swastika. Musk reneged and finally resuspended West. This episode was shortly after West and Fuentes shared a dinner with former President Donald Trump—one that relatively few Republicans denounced, by the way.
Fuentes’s return follows the reinstatement of other Nazis such as Andrew Anglin, founder of the neo-Nazi publication The Daily Stormer. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jordan Peterson, vicious transphobe Megan Murphy, and Trump himself round up other prominent individuals who have had their accounts reinstated after committing various and numerous Twitter policy violations.