“Not Fetterman”: Conspiracy Theorists Think Pennsylvania Senator Is Body Double
Online conspiracy theorists are pushing a QAnon-based theory about the Pennsylvania senator.

Online conspiracy theorists are convinced that Senator John Fetterman has been replaced with a body double.
One factor fueling this bizarre belief is that Fetterman has made major strides since suffering a stroke in spring 2022. He continued to campaign, even though many Republicans accused him of being unfit to serve. His progress is now being weaponized against him.
There's now a community of people online who regularly share images of John Fetterman to figure out whether he's real or has been replaced by a body double. pic.twitter.com/5THtUZW7jC
— Shayan Sardarizadeh (@Shayan86) September 18, 2023
In addition to his improved speech abilities, many conspiracists cite photos that they claim shows Fetterman’s distinctive forearm tattoos have disappeared. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that the before and after photos show completely different angles of Fetterman’s arms.
Obviously, there is no proof that Fetterman has been replaced. As one online jokester pointed out, the senator’s sheer size alone is enough to make it extremely difficult to find a convincing body double.
funniest thing to me is that they believe Fetterman, one of the most distinct looking dudes on this planet, has a body double. "Hey, u don't happen to know any 7 foot tall ogres that nobody will notice if they go missing do you?" https://t.co/s1ns72Mj6o
— Alliterate Anthony (@alliterateant) September 19, 2023
Fetterman has responded to the conspiracy in his classic sarcastic fashion. If anything, his tweets should prove he’s still the same man. Fetterman’s social media presence continues to be (as the kids say) hot fire.
Senator Guy Incognito (D-PA) https://t.co/8liXJd4lL0 pic.twitter.com/ku6hZM5CNO
— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) September 19, 2023
Replacing public figures with body doubles is a popular theory among QAnon followers. The QAnon conspiracy theory says that the global elite are committing pedophilia and satanic rituals and the only person who can stop them is Donald Trump. Many followers believe that powerful people such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have already been executed and replaced with body doubles.
If that is the case, then it would seem that not even Trump’s inner circle is safe. Throughout both of Trump’s campaigns and his entire time at the White House, conspiracy theorists insisted that his wife, Melania, had also been replaced with a body double. (Although in her case, it was because people suspected she had chosen to have a body double because she didn’t want to be around her husband.)